FamilyInstanceReferenceType Enumeration

Corresponds to the possible values of parameter "Is Reference" of reference planes and parameter "Reference" of reference lines in families. This enum is used to identify references of family instances corresponding to reference planes and reference lines in the family.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since: 2018
Since: 2018


public enum FamilyInstanceReferenceType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration FamilyInstanceReferenceType
Visual C++
public enum class FamilyInstanceReferenceType


Member name Description
Left Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Left". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
CenterLeftRight Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Center (Left/Right)". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
Right Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Right". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
Front Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Front". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
CenterFrontBack Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Center (Front/Back)". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
Back Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Back". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
Bottom Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Bottom". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
CenterElevation Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Center (Elevation)". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
Top Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Top". There may be no more than one such reference plane in the family. This reference is stable: if there is a dimension to this reference of an instance, and the instance's type or family is replaced, the dimension will survive.
StrongReference Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Strong Reference", or reference line whose "Reference" parameter is set to "Strong Reference". There may be multiple such reference planes and lines in the family. These references are not stable: if there is a dimension to such reference, and the instance's family is replaced, the dimension is not guaranteed to survive.
WeakReference Reference plane whose "Is Reference" parameter is set to "Weak Reference", or reference line whose "Reference" parameter is set to "Weak Reference". There may be multiple such reference planes and lines in the family. These references are not stable: if there is a dimension to such reference, and the instance's family is replaced, the dimension is not guaranteed to survive.
NotAReference This value is returned from FamilyInstance::getReferenceType if the reference does not correspond to any reference plane or reference line in the family.

See Also