BuiltInFailures.ElectricalFailures Members

Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.

The BuiltInFailures ElectricalFailures type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Static member AllSlotsOnPanelOccupied
All slots on panel: [Panel Name] are occupied. Some circuits will be disconnected from this panel.
Public property Static member BankDistanceSmallerThanDiameter
The distance value is smaller than the conduit diameter, please enter a larger value
Public property Static member CableTrayModified
The cable tray has been modified to be in the opposite direction or insufficient space to create the required fittings.
Public property Static member CannotAssignSecondaryDistSysToCircuit
Cannot assign or add [Element] to Circuit. There is no assigned secondary distribution system for [Element].
Public property Static member CannotConnectDifferentDesignOptsObjects
Cannot add or assign [Element] to circuit. Electrical objects belonging to different design options cannot be connected.
Public property Static member CannotCreatePanelScheduleDuetoNoDefaultTemplate
A panel schedule cannot be created for these panels. A default panel schedule template must be assigned for this template type.
Public property Static member CannotRemoveMembersInCircuitHavingParent
You have selected elements that are connected to a Panel object in a Circuit. These elements cannot be removed from the Circuit.
Public property Static member CircuitOverload
Total connected load for Circuit [Name] is exceeding 80% of the defined rating ([Rating Value]).
Public property Static member ConduitModified
The conduit has been modified to be in the opposite direction or insufficient space to create the required fittings.
Public property Static member ElementsBelongToOtherCircuit
You have selected elements that are already part of other Circuits that have assigned Panels. The elements you selected cannot be added to this Circuit.
Public property Static member FamilyMismatchCircuit
The family no longer matches the properties for the Circuit. Disconnect the family from the Circuit?
Public property Static member InvalidNumwiresSinglephase
Invalid number of wires for single phase, only 2 and 3 are valid.
Public property Static member InvalidPathOfParallelConduits
Invalid path of parallel conduits
Public property Static member MismatchConnectorDistSysToCircuit
Cannot add [Element] to Circuit. The Type for the available connector does not match the Type ([Name]) for the Circuit.
Public property Static member MismatchNmbAssignedDistSysToCircuit
Cannot assign or add [Element] to Circuit. There is no assigned distribution system for [Element].
Public property Static member MismatchNmbOfPolesToCircuit
Cannot add [Element] to Circuit. The Number of Poles for [Element] does not match the Number of Poles ([Name]) for the Circuit.
Public property Static member MismatchPoleBrakesSlotsNumbers
The number of pole breakers may not be less than the number of occupied slots.
Public property Static member MismatchVoltageLineToLine
Cannot assign or add [Element] to Circuit. The Voltage ([Voltage Value]) for the Circuit is out of range for the Line to Line Voltage for [Element] (The Line to Line Voltage is specified in the assigned Distribution System).
Public property Static member MismatchVoltageToCircuit
Cannot add [Element] to Circuit. The Voltage for [Element] is out of range for the Voltage ([Voltage Value]) for the Circuit.
Public property Static member MissingOrInvalidWireSizeTable
Wire Size Table "[Fail Name]" is missing or invalid. Use Electrical Settings to select a valid Wire Size Table.
Public property Static member NoAvailableMatchingConnector
Cannot add [Element] to Circuit. There is no available connector matching the Type ([Type Name]) for the Circuit.
Public property Static member NotAllowedCableTrayConduitRotation
Don't allow to rotate a horizontal cable tray/conduit like this
Public property Static member NotEnoughAvailSlotsOnPanel
There are not enough slots available on panel: [Panel Name] for a circuit to be added. Please increase the maximum number of single pole breakers to be greater than [Number] or set it to 0.
Public property Static member NotEnoughRoomForParallelConduits
Due to changes in elevation, there is not enough room to generate all of the parallel conduits. As a result, some conduit segments have not been generated.
Public property Static member NotEnoughRoomForParallelPipes
Due to changes in elevation, there is not enough room to generate all of the parallel pipes. As a result, some pipe segments have not been generated.
Public property Static member NotPositiveBendRadius
The value you entered for the bend radius is zero or a negative value. Enter a positive value.
Public property Static member NotSupportConcentricBend
Conduit with Fittings do not support Concentric Bend Radius, the bend radius of the conduit fittings will be same.
Public property Static member ObjsDemolished
Cannot assign [Element] to circuit. Objects that are demolished cannot be added to a circuit.
Public property Static member PanelMismatchCircuitType
Cannot assign [Element] to Circuit. The Type for the panel does not match the Type ([Name]) for the Circuit.
Public property Static member SelectedElementsArePartOfOtherCircuit
You have selected elements that are already part of other Circuits. They will be removed from the original Circuits and added to this one.
Public property Static member SmallBendRadius
The value you entered for the bend radius for conduit is too small. Enter a larger value.
Public property Static member UnsignedCircuit
Circuit is not assigned to a panel
Public property Static member VoltageIsOutOfRange
Cannot assign or add [Element] to Circuit. The Voltage ([Voltage Value]) for the Circuit is out of range for the Line to Ground Voltage for [Element] (The Line to Ground Voltage is specified in the assigned Distribution System)."

See Also