A list of all the built in categories within Revit.
(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
C# |
Visual Basic |
Visual C++ |
Member name | Description |
OST_StackedWalls_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_MassTags_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_MassSurface_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_MassFloor_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_Mass_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_WallRefPlanes_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_StickSymbols_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_RemovedGridSeg_Obsolete_IdInWrongRange | |
OST_PointClouds | |
OST_AssemblyOrigin_Lines | |
OST_AssemblyOrigin_Planes | |
OST_AssemblyOrigin_Points | |
OST_AssemblyOrigin | |
OST_LinksAnalytical | |
OST_FoundationSlabAnalyticalTags | |
OST_WallFoundationAnalyticalTags | |
OST_IsolatedFoundationAnalyticalTags | |
OST_WallAnalyticalTags | |
OST_FloorAnalyticalTags | |
OST_ColumnAnalyticalTags | |
OST_BraceAnalyticalTags | |
OST_BeamAnalyticalTags | |
OST_AnalyticalNodes_Lines | |
OST_AnalyticalNodes_Planes | |
OST_AnalyticalNodes_Points | |
OST_AnalyticalNodes | |
OST_RigidLinksAnalytical | |
OST_FoundationSlabAnalytical | |
OST_WallFoundationAnalytical | |
OST_IsolatedFoundationAnalytical | |
OST_WallAnalytical | |
OST_FloorAnalytical | |
OST_ColumnEndSegment | |
OST_ColumnStartSegment | |
OST_ColumnAnalytical | |
OST_BraceEndSegment | |
OST_BraceStartSegment | |
OST_BraceAnalytical | |
OST_BeamEndSegment | |
OST_BeamStartSegment | |
OST_BeamAnalytical | |
OST_CompassSecondaryMonth | |
OST_CompassPrimaryMonth | |
OST_CompassSectionFilled | |
OST_LightLine | |
OST_MultiSurface | |
OST_SunSurface | |
OST_Analemma | |
OST_SunsetText | |
OST_CompassSection | |
OST_CompassOuter | |
OST_SunriseText | |
OST_CompassInner | |
OST_SunPath2 | |
OST_SunPath1 | |
OST_Sun | |
OST_SunStudy | |
OST_StructuralTrussStickSymbols | |
OST_StructuralTrussHiddenLines | |
OST_TrussChord | |
OST_TrussWeb | |
OST_TrussBottomChordCurve | |
OST_TrussTopChordCurve | |
OST_TrussVertWebCurve | |
OST_TrussDiagWebCurve | |
OST_Truss | |
OST_RailingSystemTransitionHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemTerminationHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemRailHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemTopRailHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemHandRailBracketHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemHandRailHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemPanelBracketHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemPanelHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemBalusterHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemPostHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemSegmentHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemHiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_StairStringer2012HiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_StairTread2012HiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_StairLanding2012HiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_StairRun2012HiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_Stairs2012HiddenLines_Deprecated | |
OST_MassHiddenLines | |
OST_CurtaSystemHiddenLines | |
OST_OBSOLETE_ElemArrayHiddenLines | |
OST_EntourageHiddenLines | |
OST_PlantingHiddenLines | |
OST_SpecialityEquipmentHiddenLines | |
OST_TopographyHiddenLines | |
OST_StructuralFramingSystemHiddenLines_Obsolete | |
OST_SiteHiddenLines | |
OST_RoadsHiddenLines | |
OST_ParkingHiddenLines | |
OST_PlumbingFixturesHiddenLines | |
OST_MechanicalEquipmentHiddenLines | |
OST_LightingFixturesHiddenLines | |
OST_FurnitureSystemsHiddenLines | |
OST_ElectricalFixturesHiddenLines | |
OST_ElectricalEquipmentHiddenLines | |
OST_CaseworkHiddenLines | |
OST_DetailComponentsHiddenLines | |
OST_ShaftOpeningHiddenLines | |
OST_GenericModelHiddenLines | |
OST_CurtainWallMullionsHiddenLines | |
OST_CurtainWallPanelsHiddenLines | |
OST_RampsHiddenLines | |
OST_StairsRailingHiddenLines | |
OST_StairsHiddenLines | |
OST_ColumnsHiddenLines | |
OST_FurnitureHiddenLines | |
OST_LinesHiddenLines | |
OST_CeilingsHiddenLines | |
OST_RoofsHiddenLines | |
OST_DoorsHiddenLines | |
OST_WindowsHiddenLines | |
OST_StructConnectionProfilesTags | |
OST_StructConnectionHoleTags | |
OST_CouplerHiddenLines | |
OST_CouplerTags | |
OST_Coupler | |
OST_StructConnectionWeldTags | |
OST_StructConnectionShearStudTags | |
OST_StructConnectionAnchorTags | |
OST_StructConnectionBoltTags | |
OST_StructConnectionPlateTags | |
OST_RebarHiddenLines | |
OST_StructSubConnections | |
OST_StructConnectionModifiers | |
OST_StructConnectionWelds | |
OST_StructConnectionHoles | |
OST_StructConnectionShearStuds | |
OST_StructConnectionNobleWarning | |
OST_StructConnectionOthers | |
OST_StructConnectionBolts | |
OST_StructConnectionTags | |
OST_StructConnectionAnchors | |
OST_StructConnectionPlates | |
OST_StructConnectionProfiles | |
OST_StructConnectionReference | |
OST_StructConnectionFailed | |
OST_StructConnectionStale | |
OST_StructConnectionSymbol | |
OST_StructConnectionHiddenLines | |
OST_StructWeldLines | |
OST_StructConnections | |
OST_FabricAreaBoundary | |
OST_FabricReinSpanSymbol | |
OST_FabricReinforcementWire | |
OST_FabricReinforcementBoundary | |
OST_RebarSetToggle | |
OST_FabricAreaTags | |
OST_FabricReinforcementTags | |
OST_AreaReinTags | |
OST_RebarTags | |
OST_FabricAreaSketchSheetsLines | |
OST_FabricAreaSketchEnvelopeLines | |
OST_FabricAreas | |
OST_FabricReinforcement | |
OST_RebarCover | |
OST_CoverType | |
OST_RebarShape | |
OST_PathReinBoundary | |
OST_PathReinTags | |
OST_PathReinSpanSymbol | |
OST_PathRein | |
OST_Cage | |
OST_AreaReinXVisibility | |
OST_AreaReinBoundary | |
OST_AreaReinSpanSymbol | |
OST_AreaReinSketchOverride | |
OST_AreaRein | |
OST_RebarLines | |
OST_RebarSketchLines | |
OST_Rebar | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkInsulation | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkLining | |
OST_FabricationContainmentDrop | |
OST_FabricationContainmentRise | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkDrop | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkRise | |
OST_FabricationContainmentSymbology | |
OST_FabricationContainmentCenterLine | |
OST_FabricationContainmentTags | |
OST_FabricationContainment | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkSymbology | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkCenterLine | |
OST_FabricationPipeworkTags | |
OST_FabricationPipework | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkSymbology | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkDrop | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkRise | |
OST_FabricationHangerTags | |
OST_FabricationHangers | |
OST_OBSOLETE_FabricationPartsTmpGraphicDropDrag | |
OST_FabricationPartsTmpGraphicDrag | |
OST_OBSOLETE_FabricationPartsTmpGraphicDrop | |
OST_FabricationPartsTmpGraphicEnd | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkInsulation | |
OST_LayoutNodes | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkCenterLine | |
OST_FabricationServiceElements | |
OST_FabricationDuctworkTags | |
OST_FabricationDuctwork | |
OST_LayoutPathBase_Pipings | |
OST_NumberingSchemas | |
OST_DivisionRules | |
OST_gbXML_Shade | |
OST_AnalyticSurfaces | |
OST_AnalyticSpaces | |
OST_gbXML_OpeningAir | |
OST_gbXML_NonSlidingDoor | |
OST_gbXML_SlidingDoor | |
OST_gbXML_OperableSkylight | |
OST_gbXML_FixedSkylight | |
OST_gbXML_OperableWindow | |
OST_gbXML_FixedWindow | |
OST_gbXML_UndergroundCeiling | |
OST_gbXML_UndergroundSlab | |
OST_gbXML_UndergroundWall | |
OST_gbXML_SurfaceAir | |
OST_gbXML_Ceiling | |
OST_gbXML_InteriorFloor | |
OST_gbXML_InteriorWall | |
OST_gbXML_SlabOnGrade | |
OST_gbXML_RaisedFloor | |
OST_gbXML_Roof | |
OST_gbXML_ExteriorWall | |
OST_DivisionProfile | |
OST_SplitterProfile | |
OST_PipeSegments | |
OST_GraphicalWarning_OpenConnector | |
OST_PlaceHolderPipes | |
OST_PlaceHolderDucts | |
OST_PipingSystem_Reference_Visibility | |
OST_PipingSystem_Reference | |
OST_DuctSystem_Reference_Visibility | |
OST_DuctSystem_Reference | |
OST_PipeInsulationsTags | |
OST_DuctLiningsTags | |
OST_DuctInsulationsTags | |
OST_ElectricalInternalCircuits | |
OST_PanelScheduleGraphics | |
OST_CableTrayRun | |
OST_ConduitRun | |
OST_ParamElemElectricalLoadClassification | |
OST_DataPanelScheduleTemplates | |
OST_SwitchboardScheduleTemplates | |
OST_BranchPanelScheduleTemplates | |
OST_ConduitStandards | |
OST_ElectricalLoadClassifications | |
OST_ElectricalDemandFactorDefinitions | |
OST_ConduitFittingCenterLine | |
OST_CableTrayFittingCenterLine | |
OST_ConduitCenterLine | |
OST_ConduitDrop | |
OST_ConduitRiseDrop | |
OST_CableTrayCenterLine | |
OST_CableTrayDrop | |
OST_CableTrayRiseDrop | |
OST_ConduitTags | |
OST_Conduit | |
OST_CableTrayTags | |
OST_CableTray | |
OST_ConduitFittingTags | |
OST_ConduitFitting | |
OST_CableTrayFittingTags | |
OST_CableTrayFitting | |
OST_RoutingPreferences | |
OST_DuctLinings | |
OST_DuctInsulations | |
OST_PipeInsulations | |
OST_HVAC_Load_Schedules | |
OST_HVAC_Load_Building_Types | |
OST_HVAC_Load_Space_Types | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_Reference_Visibility | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_InteriorFill_Visibility | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_ColorFill | |
OST_ZoneTags | |
OST_LayoutPath_Bases | |
OST_WireTemperatureRatings | |
OST_WireInsulations | |
OST_WireMaterials | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_Reference | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_InteriorFill | |
OST_HVAC_Zones_Boundary | |
OST_HVAC_Zones | |
OST_Fluids | |
OST_PipeSchedules | |
OST_PipeMaterials | |
OST_PipeConnections | |
OST_EAConstructions | |
OST_SwitchSystem | |
OST_SprinklerTags | |
OST_Sprinklers | |
OST_RouteCurveBranch | |
OST_RouteCurveMain | |
OST_RouteCurve | |
OST_GbXML_Opening | |
OST_GbXML_SType_Underground | |
OST_GbXML_SType_Shade | |
OST_GbXML_SType_Exterior | |
OST_GbXML_SType_Interior | |
OST_GbXMLFaces | |
OST_WireHomeRunArrows | |
OST_LightingDeviceTags | |
OST_LightingDevices | |
OST_FireAlarmDeviceTags | |
OST_FireAlarmDevices | |
OST_DataDeviceTags | |
OST_DataDevices | |
OST_CommunicationDeviceTags | |
OST_CommunicationDevices | |
OST_SecurityDeviceTags | |
OST_SecurityDevices | |
OST_NurseCallDeviceTags | |
OST_NurseCallDevices | |
OST_TelephoneDeviceTags | |
OST_TelephoneDevices | |
OST_WireTickMarks | |
OST_PipeFittingInsulation | |
OST_PipeFittingCenterLine | |
OST_FlexPipeCurvesInsulation | |
OST_PipeCurvesInsulation | |
OST_PipeCurvesDrop | |
OST_DuctFittingLining | |
OST_DuctFittingInsulation | |
OST_DuctFittingCenterLine | |
OST_FlexDuctCurvesInsulation | |
OST_DuctCurvesLining | |
OST_DuctCurvesInsulation | |
OST_DuctCurvesDrop | |
OST_DuctFittingTags | |
OST_PipeFittingTags | |
OST_PipeColorFills | |
OST_PipeColorFillLegends | |
OST_WireTags | |
OST_PipeAccessoryTags | |
OST_PipeAccessory | |
OST_PipeCurvesRiseDrop | |
OST_FlexPipeCurvesPattern | |
OST_FlexPipeCurvesContour | |
OST_FlexPipeCurvesCenterLine | |
OST_FlexPipeCurves | |
OST_PipeFitting | |
OST_FlexPipeTags | |
OST_PipeTags | |
OST_PipeCurvesContour | |
OST_PipeCurvesCenterLine | |
OST_PipeCurves | |
OST_PipingSystem | |
OST_ElectricalDemandFactor | |
OST_ElecDistributionSys | |
OST_ElectricalVoltage | |
OST_Wire | |
OST_ElectricalCircuitTags | |
OST_ElectricalCircuit | |
OST_DuctCurvesRiseDrop | |
OST_FlexDuctCurvesPattern | |
OST_FlexDuctCurvesContour | |
OST_FlexDuctCurvesCenterLine | |
OST_FlexDuctCurves | |
OST_DuctAccessoryTags | |
OST_DuctAccessory | |
OST_DuctSystem | |
OST_DuctTerminalTags | |
OST_DuctTerminal | |
OST_DuctFitting | |
OST_DuctColorFills | |
OST_FlexDuctTags | |
OST_DuctTags | |
OST_DuctCurvesContour | |
OST_DuctCurvesCenterLine | |
OST_DuctCurves | |
OST_DuctColorFillLegends | |
OST_ConnectorElemZAxis | |
OST_ConnectorElemYAxis | |
OST_ConnectorElemXAxis | |
OST_ConnectorElem | |
OST_BridgeBearingTags | |
OST_BridgeGirderTags | |
OST_BridgeFoundationTags | |
OST_BridgeDeckTags | |
OST_BridgeArchTags | |
OST_BridgeCableTags | |
OST_BridgeTowerTags | |
OST_BridgePierTags | |
OST_BridgeAbutmentTags | |
OST_BridgeBearingHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeGirderHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeFoundationHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeDeckHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeArchHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeCableHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeTowerHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgePierHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeAbutmentHiddenLines | |
OST_BridgeBearings | |
OST_BridgeGirders | |
OST_BridgeFoundations | |
OST_BridgeDecks | |
OST_BridgeArches | |
OST_BridgeCables | |
OST_BridgeTowers | |
OST_BridgePiers | |
OST_BridgeAbutments | |
OST_DesignOptions | |
OST_DesignOptionSets | |
OST_StructuralBracePlanReps | |
OST_StructConnectionSymbols | |
OST_StructuralAnnotations | |
OST_RevisionCloudTags | |
OST_Revisions | |
OST_RevisionClouds | |
OST_EditCutProfile | |
OST_ElevationMarks | |
OST_GridHeads | |
OST_LevelHeads | |
OST_DecalType | |
OST_DecalElement | |
OST_VolumeOfInterest | |
OST_BoundaryConditions | |
OST_InternalAreaLoadTags | |
OST_InternalLineLoadTags | |
OST_InternalPointLoadTags | |
OST_AreaLoadTags | |
OST_LineLoadTags | |
OST_PointLoadTags | |
OST_LoadCasesSeismic | |
OST_LoadCasesTemperature | |
OST_LoadCasesAccidental | |
OST_LoadCasesRoofLive | |
OST_LoadCasesSnow | |
OST_LoadCasesWind | |
OST_LoadCasesLive | |
OST_LoadCasesDead | |
OST_LoadCases | |
OST_InternalAreaLoads | |
OST_InternalLineLoads | |
OST_InternalPointLoads | |
OST_InternalLoads | |
OST_AreaLoads | |
OST_LineLoads | |
OST_PointLoads | |
OST_Loads | |
OST_BeamSystemTags | |
OST_FootingSpanDirectionSymbol | |
OST_SpanDirectionSymbol | |
OST_SpotSlopesSymbols | |
OST_SpotCoordinateSymbols | |
OST_SpotElevSymbols | |
OST_StructuralConnectionHandlerTags_Deprecated | |
OST_TrussTags | |
OST_KeynoteTags | |
OST_DetailComponentTags | |
OST_MaterialTags | |
OST_FloorTags | |
OST_CurtaSystemTags | |
OST_HostFinTags | |
OST_StairsTags | |
OST_MultiCategoryTags | |
OST_PlantingTags | |
OST_AreaTags | |
OST_StructuralFoundationTags | |
OST_StructuralColumnTags | |
OST_ParkingTags | |
OST_SiteTags | |
OST_StructuralFramingTags | |
OST_SpecialityEquipmentTags | |
OST_GenericModelTags | |
OST_CurtainWallPanelTags | |
OST_WallTags | |
OST_PlumbingFixtureTags | |
OST_MechanicalEquipmentTags | |
OST_LightingFixtureTags | |
OST_FurnitureSystemTags | |
OST_FurnitureTags | |
OST_ElectricalFixtureTags | |
OST_ElectricalEquipmentTags | |
OST_CeilingTags | |
OST_CaseworkTags | |
OST_Tags | |
OST_MEPSpaceColorFill | |
OST_MEPSpaceReference | |
OST_MEPSpaceInteriorFill | |
OST_MEPSpaceReferenceVisibility | |
OST_MEPSpaceInteriorFillVisibility | |
OST_MEPSpaces | |
OST_StackedWalls | |
OST_MassGlazingAll | |
OST_MassFloorsAll | |
OST_MassWallsAll | |
OST_MassExteriorWallUnderground | |
OST_MassSlab | |
OST_MassShade | |
OST_MassOpening | |
OST_MassSkylights | |
OST_MassGlazing | |
OST_MassRoof | |
OST_MassExteriorWall | |
OST_MassInteriorWall | |
OST_MassZone | |
OST_MassAreaFaceTags | |
OST_HostTemplate | |
OST_MassFaceSplitter | |
OST_MassCutter | |
OST_ZoningEnvelope | |
OST_MassTags | |
OST_MassForm | |
OST_MassFloor | |
OST_Mass | |
OST_DividedSurface_DiscardedDivisionLines | |
OST_DividedSurfaceBelt | |
OST_TilePatterns | |
OST_AlwaysExcludedInAllViews | |
OST_DividedSurface_TransparentFace | |
OST_DividedSurface_PreDividedSurface | |
OST_DividedSurface_PatternFill | |
OST_DividedSurface_PatternLines | |
OST_DividedSurface_Gridlines | |
OST_DividedSurface_Nodes | |
OST_DividedSurface | |
OST_RepeatingDetailLines | |
OST_RampsDownArrow | |
OST_RampsUpArrow | |
OST_RampsDownText | |
OST_RampsUpText | |
OST_RampsStringerAboveCut | |
OST_RampsStringer | |
OST_RampsAboveCut | |
OST_RampsIncomplete | |
OST_TrussDummy | |
OST_ZoneSchemes | |
OST_AreaSchemes | |
OST_Areas | |
OST_ProjectInformation | |
OST_Sheets | |
OST_ProfileFamilies | |
OST_DetailComponents | |
OST_RoofSoffit | |
OST_EdgeSlab | |
OST_Gutter | |
OST_Fascia | |
OST_Entourage | |
OST_Planting | |
OST_Blocks | |
OST_StructuralStiffenerHiddenLines | |
OST_StructuralColumnLocationLine | |
OST_StructuralFramingLocationLine | |
OST_StructuralStiffenerTags | |
OST_StructuralStiffener | |
OST_FootingAnalyticalGeometry | |
OST_RvtLinks | |
OST_Automatic | |
OST_SpecialityEquipment | |
OST_ColumnAnalyticalRigidLinks | |
OST_SecondaryTopographyContours | |
OST_TopographyContours | |
OST_TopographySurface | |
OST_Topography | |
OST_TopographyLink | |
OST_StructuralTruss | |
OST_StructuralColumnStickSymbols | |
OST_HiddenStructuralColumnLines | |
OST_AnalyticalRigidLinks | |
OST_ColumnAnalyticalGeometry | |
OST_FramingAnalyticalGeometry | |
OST_StructuralColumns | |
OST_HiddenStructuralFramingLines | |
OST_KickerBracing | |
OST_StructuralFramingSystem | |
OST_VerticalBracing | |
OST_HorizontalBracing | |
OST_Purlin | |
OST_Joist | |
OST_Girder | |
OST_StructuralFramingOther | |
OST_StructuralFraming | |
OST_HiddenStructuralFoundationLines | |
OST_StructuralFoundation | |
OST_BasePointAxisZ | |
OST_BasePointAxisY | |
OST_BasePointAxisX | |
OST_SharedBasePoint | |
OST_ProjectBasePoint | |
OST_SiteRegion | |
OST_SitePropertyLineSegmentTags | |
OST_SitePropertyLineSegment | |
OST_SitePropertyTags | |
OST_SitePointBoundary | |
OST_SiteProperty | |
OST_BuildingPad | |
OST_SitePoint | |
OST_SiteSurface | |
OST_Site | |
OST_Sewer | |
OST_Roads | |
OST_Property | |
OST_Parking | |
OST_PlumbingFixtures | |
OST_MechanicalEquipment | |
OST_LightingFixtureSource | |
OST_LightingFixtures | |
OST_FurnitureSystems | |
OST_ElectricalFixtures | |
OST_ElectricalEquipment | |
OST_Casework | |
OST_ArcWallRectOpening | |
OST_DormerOpeningIncomplete | |
OST_SWallRectOpening | |
OST_ShaftOpening | |
OST_StructuralFramingOpening | |
OST_ColumnOpening | |
OST_RiseDropSymbols | |
OST_PipeHydronicSeparationSymbols | |
OST_MechanicalEquipmentSetBoundaryLines | |
OST_MechanicalEquipmentSetTags | |
OST_MechanicalEquipmentSet | |
OST_AnalyticalPipeConnectionLineSymbol | |
OST_AnalyticalPipeConnections | |
OST_Coordination_Model | |
OST_MultistoryStairs | |
OST_HiddenStructuralConnectionLines_Deprecated | |
OST_StructuralConnectionHandler_Deprecated | |
OST_CoordinateSystem | |
OST_FndSlabLocalCoordSys | |
OST_FloorLocalCoordSys | |
OST_WallLocalCoordSys | |
OST_BraceLocalCoordSys | |
OST_ColumnLocalCoordSys | |
OST_BeamLocalCoordSys | |
OST_MultiReferenceAnnotations | |
OST_DSR_LeaderTickMarkStyleId | |
OST_DSR_InteriorTickMarkStyleId | |
OST_DSR_ArrowHeadStyleId | |
OST_DSR_CenterlineTickMarkStyleId | |
OST_DSR_CenterlinePatternCatId | |
OST_DSR_DimStyleHeavyEndCategoryId | |
OST_DSR_DimStyleHeavyEndCatId | |
OST_DSR_DimStyleTickCategoryId | |
OST_DSR_LineAndTextAttrFontId | |
OST_DSR_LineAndTextAttrCategoryId | |
OST_NodeAnalyticalTags | |
OST_LinkAnalyticalTags | |
OST_RailingRailPathExtensionLines | |
OST_RailingRailPathLines | |
OST_StairsSupports | |
OST_RailingHandRailAboveCut | |
OST_RailingTopRailAboveCut | |
OST_RailingTermination | |
OST_RailingSupport | |
OST_RailingHandRail | |
OST_RailingTopRail | |
OST_StairsSketchPathLines | |
OST_StairsTriserNumbers | |
OST_StairsTriserTags | |
OST_StairsSupportTags | |
OST_StairsLandingTags | |
OST_StairsRunTags | |
OST_StairsPathsAboveCut | |
OST_StairsPaths | |
OST_StairsRiserLinesAboveCut | |
OST_StairsRiserLines | |
OST_StairsOutlinesAboveCut | |
OST_StairsOutlines | |
OST_StairsNosingLinesAboveCut | |
OST_StairsNosingLines | |
OST_StairsCutMarksAboveCut | |
OST_StairsCutMarks | |
OST_ComponentRepeaterSlot | |
OST_ComponentRepeater | |
OST_DividedPath | |
OST_IOSRoomCalculationPoint | |
OST_PropertySet | |
OST_AppearanceAsset | |
OST_StairStringer2012_Deprecated | |
OST_StairsTrisers | |
OST_StairsLandings | |
OST_StairsRuns | |
OST_Stair2012_Deprecated | |
OST_RailingSystemTags | |
OST_RailingSystemTransition | |
OST_RailingSystemTermination | |
OST_RailingSystemRail | |
OST_RailingSystemTopRail | |
OST_RailingSystemHandRailBracket | |
OST_RailingSystemHandRail | |
OST_RailingSystemHardware | |
OST_RailingSystemPanel | |
OST_RailingSystemBaluster | |
OST_RailingSystemPost | |
OST_RailingSystemSegment | |
OST_RailingSystem | |
OST_AdaptivePoints_HiddenLines | |
OST_AdaptivePoints_Lines | |
OST_AdaptivePoints_Planes | |
OST_AdaptivePoints_Points | |
OST_AdaptivePoints | |
OST_CeilingOpening | |
OST_FloorOpening | |
OST_RoofOpening | |
OST_WallRefPlanes | |
OST_StructLocationLineControl | |
OST_DimLockControlLeader | |
OST_MEPSpaceSeparationLines | |
OST_AreaPolylines | |
OST_RoomPolylines | |
OST_InstanceDrivenLineStyle | |
OST_RemovedGridSeg | |
OST_IOSOpening | |
OST_IOSTilePatternGrid | |
OST_ControlLocal | |
OST_ControlAxisZ | |
OST_ControlAxisY | |
OST_ControlAxisX | |
OST_XRayConstrainedProfileEdge | |
OST_XRayImplicitPathCurve | |
OST_XRayPathPoint | |
OST_XRayPathCurve | |
OST_XRaySideEdge | |
OST_XRayProfileEdge | |
OST_ReferencePoints_HiddenLines | |
OST_ReferencePoints_Lines | |
OST_ReferencePoints_Planes | |
OST_ReferencePoints_Points | |
OST_ReferencePoints | |
OST_Materials | |
OST_CeilingsCutPattern | |
OST_CeilingsDefault | |
OST_CeilingsFinish2 | |
OST_CeilingsFinish1 | |
OST_CeilingsSubstrate | |
OST_CeilingsInsulation | |
OST_CeilingsStructure | |
OST_CeilingsMembrane | |
OST_FloorsInteriorEdges | |
OST_FloorsCutPattern | |
OST_HiddenFloorLines | |
OST_FloorsDefault | |
OST_FloorsFinish2 | |
OST_FloorsFinish1 | |
OST_FloorsSubstrate | |
OST_FloorsInsulation | |
OST_FloorsStructure | |
OST_FloorsMembrane | |
OST_RoofsInteriorEdges | |
OST_RoofsCutPattern | |
OST_RoofsDefault | |
OST_RoofsFinish2 | |
OST_RoofsFinish1 | |
OST_RoofsSubstrate | |
OST_RoofsInsulation | |
OST_RoofsStructure | |
OST_RoofsMembrane | |
OST_WallsCutPattern | |
OST_HiddenWallLines | |
OST_WallsDefault | |
OST_WallsFinish2 | |
OST_WallsFinish1 | |
OST_WallsSubstrate | |
OST_WallsInsulation | |
OST_WallsStructure | |
OST_WallsMembrane | |
OST_PreviewLegendComponents | |
OST_LegendComponents | |
OST_Schedules | |
OST_ScheduleGraphics | |
OST_RasterImages | |
OST_ColorFillSchema | |
OST_RoomColorFill | |
OST_ColorFillLegends | |
OST_AnnotationCropSpecial | |
OST_CropBoundarySpecial | |
OST_AnnotationCrop | |
OST_FloorsAnalyticalGeometry | |
OST_WallsAnalyticalGeometry | |
OST_CalloutLeaderLine | |
OST_CeilingsSurfacePattern | |
OST_RoofsSurfacePattern | |
OST_FloorsSurfacePattern | |
OST_WallsSurfacePattern | |
OST_CalloutBoundary | |
OST_CalloutHeads | |
OST_Callouts | |
OST_CropBoundary | |
OST_Elev | |
OST_AxisZ | |
OST_AxisY | |
OST_AxisX | |
OST_CLines | |
OST_Lights | |
OST_ViewportLabel | |
OST_Viewports | |
OST_Camera_Lines | |
OST_Cameras | |
OST_MEPSpaceTags | |
OST_RoomTags | |
OST_DoorTags | |
OST_WindowTags | |
OST_SectionHeadWideLines | |
OST_SectionHeadMediumLines | |
OST_SectionHeadThinLines | |
OST_SectionHeads | |
OST_ContourLabels | |
OST_CurtaSystemFaceManager | |
OST_CurtaSystem | |
OST_AreaReport_Arc_Minus | |
OST_AreaReport_Arc_Plus | |
OST_AreaReport_Boundary | |
OST_AreaReport_Triangle | |
OST_CurtainGridsCurtaSystem | |
OST_CurtainGridsSystem | |
OST_CurtainGridsWall | |
OST_CurtainGridsRoof | |
OST_HostFinHF | |
OST_HostFinWall | |
OST_HostFinCeiling | |
OST_HostFinRoof | |
OST_HostFinFloor | |
OST_HostFin | |
OST_AnalysisDisplayStyle | |
OST_AnalysisResults | |
OST_RenderRegions | |
OST_SectionBox | |
OST_TextNotes | |
OST_Divisions | |
OST_Catalogs | |
OST_DirectionEdgeLines | |
OST_CenterLines | |
OST_LinesBeyond | |
OST_HiddenLines | |
OST_DemolishedLines | |
OST_OverheadLines | |
OST_TitleBlockWideLines | |
OST_TitleBlockMediumLines | |
OST_TitleBlockThinLines | |
OST_TitleBlocks | |
OST_Views | |
OST_Viewers | |
OST_PartHiddenLines | |
OST_PartTags | |
OST_Parts | |
OST_AssemblyTags | |
OST_Assemblies | |
OST_RoofTags | |
OST_SpotSlopes | |
OST_SpotCoordinates | |
OST_SpotElevations | |
OST_Constraints | |
OST_WeakDims | |
OST_Dimensions | |
OST_Levels | |
OST_DisplacementPath | |
OST_DisplacementElements | |
OST_GridChains | |
OST_Grids | |
OST_BrokenSectionLine | |
OST_SectionLine | |
OST_Sections | |
OST_ReferenceViewer | |
OST_ReferenceViewerSymbol | |
OST_ImportObjectStyles | |
OST_ModelText | |
OST_MaskingRegion | |
OST_Matchline | |
OST_FaceSplitter | |
OST_PlanRegion | |
OST_FilledRegion | |
OST_MassingProjectionOutlines | |
OST_MassingCutOutlines | |
OST_Massing | |
OST_Reveals | |
OST_Cornices | |
OST_Ramps | |
OST_RailingBalusterRailCut | |
OST_RailingBalusterRail | |
OST_Railings | |
OST_CurtainGrids | |
OST_CurtainWallMullionsCut | |
OST_CurtainWallMullions | |
OST_CurtainWallPanels | |
OST_AreaReference | |
OST_AreaInteriorFill | |
OST_RoomReference | |
OST_RoomInteriorFill | |
OST_AreaColorFill | |
OST_AreaReferenceVisibility | |
OST_AreaInteriorFillVisibility | |
OST_RoomReferenceVisibility | |
OST_RoomInteriorFillVisibility | |
OST_Rooms | |
OST_GenericModel | |
OST_GenericAnnotation | |
OST_Fixtures | |
OST_StairsRailingTags | |
OST_StairsRailingAboveCut | |
OST_StairsDownArrows | |
OST_StairsUpArrows | |
OST_StairsDownText | |
OST_StairsRailingRail | |
OST_StairsRailingBaluster | |
OST_StairsRailing | |
OST_StairsUpText | |
OST_StairsSupportsAboveCut | |
OST_StairsStringerCarriage | |
OST_StairsAboveCut_ToBeDeprecated | |
OST_StairsIncomplete_Deprecated | |
OST_Stairs | |
OST_IOSNavWheelPivotBall | |
OST_IOSRoomComputationHeight | |
OST_IOSRoomUpperLowerLines | |
OST_IOSDragBoxInverted | |
OST_IOSDragBox | |
OST_Phases | |
OST_IOS_GeoSite | |
OST_IOS_GeoLocations | |
OST_IOSFabricReinSpanSymbolCtrl | |
OST_GuideGrid | |
OST_EPS_Future | |
OST_EPS_Temporary | |
OST_EPS_New | |
OST_EPS_Demolished | |
OST_EPS_Existing | |
OST_IOSMeasureLineScreenSize | |
OST_Columns | |
OST_IOSRebarSystemSpanSymbolCtrl | |
OST_IOSRoomTagToRoomLines | |
OST_IOSAttachedDetailGroups | |
OST_IOSDetailGroups | |
OST_IOSModelGroups | |
OST_IOSSuspendedSketch | |
OST_IOSWallCoreBoundary | |
OST_IOSMeasureLine | |
OST_IOSArrays | |
OST_Curtain_Systems | |
OST_IOSBBoxScreenSize | |
OST_IOSSlabShapeEditorPointInterior | |
OST_IOSSlabShapeEditorPointBoundary | |
OST_IOSSlabShapeEditorBoundary | |
OST_IOSSlabShapeEditorAutoCrease | |
OST_IOSSlabShapeEditorExplitCrease | |
OST_ReferenceLines | |
OST_IOSNotSilhouette | |
OST_FillPatterns | |
OST_Furniture | |
OST_AreaSchemeLines | |
OST_GenericLines | |
OST_InsulationLines | |
OST_CloudLines | |
OST_IOSRoomPerimeterLines | |
OST_IOSCuttingGeometry | |
OST_IOSCrashGraphics | |
OST_IOSGroups | |
OST_IOSGhost | |
OST_StairsSketchLandingCenterLines | |
OST_StairsSketchRunLines | |
OST_StairsSketchRiserLines | |
OST_StairsSketchBoundaryLines | |
OST_RoomSeparationLines | |
OST_AxisOfRotation | |
OST_InvisibleLines | |
OST_IOSThinPixel_DashDot | |
OST_IOSThinPixel_Dash | |
OST_IOSThinPixel_Dot | |
OST_Extrusions | |
OST_CutOutlines | |
OST_IOSThinPixel | |
OST_IOSFlipControl | |
OST_IOSSketchGrid | |
OST_IOSSuspendedSketch_obsolete | |
OST_IOSFreeSnapLine | |
OST_IOSDatumPlane | |
OST_Lines | |
OST_IOSConstructionLine | |
OST_IOSAlignmentGraphics | |
OST_IOSAligningLine | |
OST_IOSBackedUpElements | |
OST_IOSRegeneratedElements | |
OST_SketchLines | |
OST_CurvesWideLines | |
OST_CurvesMediumLines | |
OST_CurvesThinLines | |
OST_Curves | |
OST_CeilingsProjection | |
OST_CeilingsCut | |
OST_Ceilings | |
OST_RoofsProjection | |
OST_RoofsCut | |
OST_Roofs | |
OST_FloorsProjection | |
OST_FloorsCut | |
OST_Floors | |
OST_DoorsGlassProjection | |
OST_DoorsGlassCut | |
OST_DoorsFrameMullionProjection | |
OST_DoorsFrameMullionCut | |
OST_DoorsOpeningProjection | |
OST_DoorsOpeningCut | |
OST_DoorsPanelProjection | |
OST_DoorsPanelCut | |
OST_Doors | |
OST_WindowsOpeningProjection | |
OST_WindowsOpeningCut | |
OST_WindowsSillHeadProjection | |
OST_WindowsSillHeadCut | |
OST_WindowsFrameMullionProjection | |
OST_WindowsFrameMullionCut | |
OST_WindowsGlassProjection | |
OST_WindowsGlassCut | |
OST_Windows | |
OST_WallsProjectionOutlines | |
OST_WallsCutOutlines | |
OST_Walls | |
OST_IOSRegenerationFailure | |
OST_ScheduleViewParamGroup | |
OST_MatchSiteComponent | |
OST_MatchProfile | |
OST_MatchDetail | |
OST_MatchAnnotation | |
OST_MatchModel | |
OST_MatchAll | |