(in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
2016 Subscription Update
The class contains methods and properties to manipulate states of various temporary view modes that may or may not be avilable in any of visible views of a Revit document. The temporary modes are enumerated in the TemporaryViewMode class.
Every view that supports temporary view modes owns an instance of this TemporaryViewModes class, which can be obtained by accessing the TemporaryViewModes property of the View class. Note that views which do not support temporary modes will have that property's value be Null.
Multiple temporary view modes can coexist. Also, TemporaryViewProperties mode can be customized to display custom title and custom color. Setting custom title and color affects only TemporaryViewProperties mode for the specific view.
- [!:Autodesk::Revit::DB::TemporaryViewMode::CustomTitle]
- [!:Autodesk::Revit::DB::TemporaryViewMode::CustomColor]
- [!:Autodesk::Revit::DB::TemporaryViewMode::IsCustomized]
- [!:Autodesk::Revit::DB::TemporaryViewMode::RemoveCustomization]

public bool RevealHiddenElementsInView(View view)
bool hiddenRevealed = false;
TemporaryViewModes viewModes = view.TemporaryViewModes;
if (viewModes == null)
TaskDialog.Show("Invalid View", "This view does not support temporary view modes.");
// Mode must be available and enabled to be activated
if (viewModes.IsModeEnabled(TemporaryViewMode.RevealHiddenElements) && viewModes.IsModeAvailable(TemporaryViewMode.RevealHiddenElements))
viewModes.RevealHiddenElements = true;
hiddenRevealed = viewModes.RevealHiddenElements;
return hiddenRevealed;

Public Function RevealHiddenElementsInView(view As View) As Boolean
Dim hiddenRevealed As Boolean = False
Dim viewModes As TemporaryViewModes = view.TemporaryViewModes
If viewModes Is Nothing Then
TaskDialog.Show("Invalid View", "This view does not support temporary view modes.")
' Mode must be available and enabled to be activated
If viewModes.IsModeEnabled(TemporaryViewMode.RevealHiddenElements) AndAlso viewModes.IsModeAvailable(TemporaryViewMode.RevealHiddenElements) Then
viewModes.RevealHiddenElements = True
hiddenRevealed = viewModes.RevealHiddenElements
End If
End If
Return hiddenRevealed
End Function