Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events Namespace


Class Description
Public class ApplicationInitializedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ApplicationLaunched event.
Public class CreateRelatedFileProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used during creating related file phase of [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::WorksharedOperationProgressChanged] in model open operation.
Public class DataTransferProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used during the data transferring phase of [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::WorksharedOperationProgressChanged] .
Public class DocumentChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentChanged event.
Public class DocumentClosedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentClosed event.
Public class DocumentClosingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentClosing event.
Public class DocumentCreatedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentCreated event.
Public class DocumentCreatingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentCreating event.
Public class DocumentOpenedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentOpened event.
Public class DocumentOpeningEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentOpening event.
Public class DocumentPrintedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentPrinted event.
Public class DocumentPrintingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentPrinting event.
Public class DocumentReloadedLatestEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentReloadedLatestEvent event. This event will be raised when executing pull a latest changes from a central model.
Public class DocumentReloadingLatestEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentReloadingLatest event.
Public class DocumentReloadLatestProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used during the reload latest phase of [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::WorksharedOperationProgressChanged] .
Public class DocumentSavedAsEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSavedAs event.
Public class DocumentSavedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSaved event.
Public class DocumentSaveToCentralProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used during the save to central phase of [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::WorksharedOperationProgressChanged] .
Public class DocumentSaveToLocalProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used during the save to local phase of [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::WorksharedOperationProgressChanged] .
Public class DocumentSavingAsEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSavingAs event.
Public class DocumentSavingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSaving event.
Public class DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSynchronizedWithCentralEventArgs event.
Public class DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs event.
Public class DocumentWorksharingEnabledEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentWorksharingEnabled event.
Public class ElementTypeDuplicatedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ElementTypeDuplicated event.
Public class ElementTypeDuplicatingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ElementTypeDuplicating event.
Public class ExternalDataInstanceAddedIntoDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ExternalDataInstanceAddedInto event.
Public class ExternalDataInstanceAddingIntoDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ExternalDataInstanceAddingInto event.
Public class ExternalDataInstanceRemovedFromDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ExternalDataInstanceRemovedFrom event.
Public class ExternalDataInstanceRemovingFromDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ExternalDataInstanceRemovingFrom event.
Public class ExternalDataTypeServerFailureResolutionExecutingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ExternalDataTypeServerFailureResolutionExecuting event.
Public class FailuresProcessingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FailuresProcessing event.
Public class FamilyLoadedIntoDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FamilyLoadedInto event.
Public class FamilyLoadingIntoDocumentEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FamilyLoadingInto event.
Public class FileExportedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FileExported event.
Public class FileExportingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FileExporting event.
Public class FileImportedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FileImported event.
Public class FileImportingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FileImporting event.
Public class LinkedResourceOpenedEventArgs
The event arguments used by [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::LinkedResourceOpened] .
Public class LinkedResourceOpeningEventArgs
The event arguments used by [!:Autodesk::Revit::ApplicationServices::Application::LinkedResourceOpening] .
Public class PostDocEventArgs
The class is used as base class for arguments of any post-event that is associated to a particular Document.
Public class PostEventArgs
The class is used as a base class for arguments of any post-event.
Public class PreDocEventArgs
The class is used as base class for the arguments of any pre-event arguments that is associated to a particular Document.
Public class PreEventArgs
The class is used as a base class for the arguments for any pre-event.
Public class ProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ProgressChanged event.
Public class RevitAPIEventArgs
The class is used as base class for all event argument classes.
Public class RevitAPIPostDocEventArgs
The base class used for post events where the arguments must supply access to the document.
Public class RevitAPIPostEventArgs
The class is used as a base class for arguments of any post-event.
Public class RevitAPIPreDocEventArgs
The base class used for pre events where the arguments must supply access to the document.
Public class RevitAPIPreEventArgs
The class is used as a base class for the arguments for any pre-event.
Public class RevitAPISingleEventArgs
The class is used as a base class for arguments of any single-event.
Public class RevitEventArgs
The class is used as base class for all event argument classes.
Public class ViewExportedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewExported event.
Public class ViewExportingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewExporting event.
Public class ViewPrintedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewPrinted event.
Public class ViewPrintingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewPrinting event.
Public class ViewsExportedByContextEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewsExportedByContext event.
Public class ViewsExportingByContextEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewsExportingByContext event.
Public class WorksharedOperationProgressChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the WorksharedOperationProgressChanged event, this event will be raised when executing following workshared operations.


Enumeration Description
Public enumeration DataTransferMode
Describes the data transfer mode.
Public enumeration EventStatus
Describes the status of an action which triggered a post event.
Public enumeration ProgressStage
The associated action of a ProgressChanged event
Public enumeration RevitAPIEventStatus
Describes the status of an action which triggered a post event.
Public enumeration UndoOperation
The operation associated with DocumentChanged event