Autodesk.Revit.DB Namespace


Class Description
Public class ACADExportOptions
The base class for options used to export DWG and DXF format files.
Public class AdaptiveComponentFamilyUtils
An interface for Adaptive Component Instances.
Public class AdaptiveComponentInstanceUtils
An interface for Adaptive Component Instances.
Public class AddInId
Identifies an AddIn registered with Revit
Public class AlphanumericRevisionSettings
Contains settings that apply to Revisions with the Alphanumeric RevisionNumberType.
Public class AngularDimension
An object that represents an Angular Dimension within the Revit project.
Public class AnnotationSymbol
This object represents a symbol of the Generic Annotation.
Public class AnnotationSymbolType
An object that represents an annotation style.
Public class APIObject
Supports all objects in the Autodesk Revit API hierarchy.
Public class AppearanceAssetElement
An element that contains a rendering asset used as a portion of a material definition.
Public class Arc
A circular arc.
Public class Area
Provides access to the area topology in Autodesk Revit.
Public class AreaFilter
A filter used to match areas.
Public class AreaScheme
The area scheme associated with a particular area plan.
Public class AreaTag
Provides access to the area topology in Autodesk Revit.
Public class AreaTagFilter
A filter used to match area tags.
Public class AreaTagType
An object that represents an Area Tag style.
Public class AreaVolumeSettings
This class provides access to settings related to volume and area computations.
Public class AssemblyCodeTable
AssemblyCodeTable represents the collection of ClassificationEntries for a document.
Public class AssemblyDifference
Class that describes difference between two assemblies.
Public class AssemblyDifferenceConfiguration
The two assemblies being compared have different spatial configuration
Public class AssemblyDifferenceMemberCount
The two assemblies being compared have different number of members
Public class AssemblyDifferenceMemberDifference
The two assemblies being compared have different members
Public class AssemblyDifferenceNamingCategory
The two assemblies being compared have different naming categories
Public class AssemblyDifferenceNone
The two assemblies being compared are identical
Public class AssemblyInstance
Combines multiple elements for tagging, filtering, scheduling and creating isolated assembly views.
Public class AssemblyMemberDifference
Class that describes difference between two assembly members
Public class AssemblyMemberDifferentCategory
The two assembly members being compared have different category
Public class AssemblyMemberDifferentGeometry
The two assembly members being compared have different geometry
Public class AssemblyMemberDifferentParameters
The two assembly members being compared have different parameters
Public class AssemblyMemberDifferentType
The two assembly members being compared have different type
Public class AssemblyType
Type for construction assembly elements.
Public class AssemblyViewUtils
Utilities that provide capabilities related to assembly view creation and validation.
Public class BackgroundSettings
Represents the rendering background settings.
Public class BarTypeDiameterOptions
This class stores the diameter information from the RebarBarType.
Public class BaseArray
An abstract base class that represents an array within the Revit project.
Public class BaseExportOptions
The base class for options used to export DWG, DXF and DGN format files.
Public class BaseImportOptions
A base class containing import options used during import of several formats.
Public class BasePoint
A class representing the Project Base Point and Survey Point. Each Revit project contains one project base point and one survey point. The project base point represents the origin of the project coordinate system. The survey point represents the origin of the shared coordinate system.
Public class BasicFileInfo
Encapsulates basic information about a Revit file, including worksharing status, Revit version, username and central path.
Public class BeamSystem
An object that represents a BeamSystem within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class BeamSystemType
An object that specifies the type of a beam system in Autodesk Revit.
Public class Binding
Binding objects are used to take a parameter definition and bind it to one or more categories.
Public class BindingMap
The parameters BindingMap contains all the parameter bindings that exist in the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class Blend
A blend solid or void form.
Public class BooleanOperationsUtils
These utilities are applicable for the geometry created by GeometryCreationUtilities and the geometry of Revit model.
Public class BoundarySegment
An object that represents a segment of an area boundary.
Public class BoundingBoxContainsPointFilter
A filter used to match elements with a bounding box that contains the given point.
Public class BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter
A filter used to match elements with a bounding box that intersects the given Outline.
Public class BoundingBoxIsInsideFilter
A filter used to match elements with a bounding box that is contained by the given Outline.
Public class BoundingBoxUV
A two-dimensional rectangle, parallel to the coordinate axes.
Public class BoundingBoxXYZ
A three-dimensional rectangular box at an arbitrary location and orientation within the Revit model.
Public class BRepBuilder
A class that allows direct construction of geometry objects (solids, open shells, etc.).
Public class BRepBuilderEdgeGeometry
An abstract class used by BRepBuilder to represent the geometry of an edge. Specific edge-geometry representations are represented by subclasses.
Public class BRepBuilderGeometryId
This class is used by the BRepBuilder class to identify objects it creates (faces, edges, etc.).
Public class BRepBuilderSurfaceGeometry
An abstract class used by BRepBuilder to represent the geometry of a surface. Specific surface-geometry representations are represented by subclasses.
Public class BrowserOrganization
The organization settings for grouping, sorting, and filtering of items in the project browser.
Public class BuildingPadType
Represents a specific type of Building Pad.
Public class BuiltInFailures
Provides a container of all Revit built-in FailureDefinitionId instances.
Public class BuiltInFailures AnalyticalModelFailures
Failures about AnalyticalModel.
Public class BuiltInFailures ArrayFailures
Failures about Arrays.
Public class BuiltInFailures AssemblyFailures
Failures related to Assemblies.
Public class BuiltInFailures AutoJoinFailures
Failures about AutoJoin.
Public class BuiltInFailures AutoRouteFailures
Failures about AutoRoute.
Public class BuiltInFailures BeamFailures
Failures about Beams.
Public class BuiltInFailures BeamSystemFailures
Failures about BeamSystem.
Public class BuiltInFailures BendFailures
Failures about Bends.
Public class BuiltInFailures BlendFailures
Failures about Blend.
Public class BuiltInFailures ColorFillFailures
Failures about ColorFill.
Public class BuiltInFailures ColumnFailures
Failures about Columns.
Public class BuiltInFailures ColumnInsideWallFailures
Failures description ColumnInsideWall
Public class BuiltInFailures ComponentRepeaterFailures
Failures related to component repeaters.
Public class BuiltInFailures ComponentRepeaterSlotFailures
Failures related to component repeater slots.
Public class BuiltInFailures ConnectorFailures
Failures about Connector.
Public class BuiltInFailures ConstraintFailures
Failures about Constraint.
Public class BuiltInFailures ConversionFailures
Failures about conversion of data to a different format.
Public class BuiltInFailures CopyMonitorFailures
Failures about CopyWatch.
Public class BuiltInFailures CopyPasteFailures
Failures about CopyPasteFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures CreationFailures
Failures about CreationFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures CurtainGridFamilyFailures
Failures about CurtainGrid Family.
Public class BuiltInFailures CurtainWallFailures
Failures about CurtainWall.
Public class BuiltInFailures CurveByPointFailures
Failures about Curve By Point Element
Public class BuiltInFailures CurveFailures
Failures about Curves and Curve-Driven Elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures CutFailures
Failures about Cut.
Public class BuiltInFailures CutterFailures
Failures about Cutter.
Public class BuiltInFailures CuttingFailures
Failures about Cutting.
Public class BuiltInFailures DatumPlaneFailures
Failures about DatumPlane.
Public class BuiltInFailures DebugTabBindingFailures
Failures related to binding framework demo panel on Ribbon Debug Tab.
Public class BuiltInFailures DecalFailures
Failures about Decal.
Public class BuiltInFailures DesignOptionFailures
Failures about DesignOptionFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures DetailFailures
Failures about Detail.
Public class BuiltInFailures DimensionFailures
Failures about DimensionFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures DirectShapeFailures
Failure definitions related to DirectShapes.
Public class BuiltInFailures DisplacementElementFailures
Error messages related to the DisplacementElement.
Public class BuiltInFailures DividedPathFailures
Failures related to divided path operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures DividedSurfaceFailures
Failures about DividedSurface.
Public class BuiltInFailures DocumentFailures
Failures about DocumentFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures DPartFailures
Failures related to parts.
Public class BuiltInFailures DuctFailures
Failures about Duct.
Public class BuiltInFailures EditingFailures
Failures related to editing operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures ElectricalFailures
Failures about Electricity.
Public class BuiltInFailures ElectricityFailures
Failures related to electrical system and circuits.
Public class BuiltInFailures ElementFailures
Failures about Elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures ElementTypeFailures
Failures about ElementTypeFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures ElevationFailures
Failures about Elevation.
Public class BuiltInFailures EnergyAnalysisFailures
Failures about EnergyAnalysis.
Public class BuiltInFailures EnergyAnalysisUtilitiesDBFailures
Failures about EnergyAnalysisUtilitiesDBFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures ExportFailures
Failures about ExportFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures ExternalResourceReferenceFailures
Public class BuiltInFailures ExtrusionFailures
Failures about Extrusions.
Public class BuiltInFailures FabricAreaFailures
Failures related to fabric area elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures FabricFailures
Failures about Fabric.
Public class BuiltInFailures FabricSheetFailures
Failures related to fabric sheet elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures FaceSplitterFailures
Failures about FaceSplitter.
Public class BuiltInFailures FamilyFailures
Failures related to families.
Public class BuiltInFailures FilledRegionFailures
Failures about FilledRegion.
Public class BuiltInFailures FloorFailures
Failures related to floors and slabs.
Public class BuiltInFailures FluidFailures
Failures about Fluid.
Public class BuiltInFailures ForeignFileFailures
Failures about files saved by applications that were not developed or licensed by Autodesk.
Public class BuiltInFailures FormFailures
Failures about Form.
Public class BuiltInFailures GeneralFailures
Failures about GeneralFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures GenericFailures
Generic failures that may apply to any Revit Element
Public class BuiltInFailures GenericMEPFailures
Failures applicable to different mechanical, electrical and piping Elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures GeometryFailures
Failures about GeometryFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures GlobalParameterFailures
Public class BuiltInFailures GridChainSketchFailures
Failures related to the GridChain sketch.
Public class BuiltInFailures GridFailures
Failures about Grid.
Public class BuiltInFailures GroupFailures
Failures related to groups and their behavior.
Public class BuiltInFailures HostObjFailures
Failures about HostObj.
Public class BuiltInFailures HvacFailures
Failures related to HVAC in MEP.
Public class BuiltInFailures IlluminationFailures
Failures about Illumination.
Public class BuiltInFailures ImageFailures
Failures about Image.
Public class BuiltInFailures ImportExportFailures
Failures about Import and Export.
Public class BuiltInFailures ImportFailures
Failures about ImportFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures InaccurateFailures
Failures about Inaccurate.
Public class BuiltInFailures InfillFailures
Failures about Infill.
Public class BuiltInFailures InterferenceFailures
Failures about Interference.
Public class BuiltInFailures JoinElementsFailures
Failures about JoinElements.
Public class BuiltInFailures KeyBasedTreeEntryFailures
Failures about KeyBasedTreeEntry.
Public class BuiltInFailures KeyBasedTreeFileFailures
Failures occurred when reading key based tree text file.
Public class BuiltInFailures KeynoteFailures
Public class BuiltInFailures KeynoteTagFailures
Failures related to keynote tags.
Public class BuiltInFailures LegendFailures
Failures about Legend.
Public class BuiltInFailures LevelFailures
Failures about Level.
Public class BuiltInFailures LinkFailures
Failures about LinkFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures LoadFailures
Failures about Load.
Public class BuiltInFailures LooseDimensionFailures
Failures about LooseDimension.
Public class BuiltInFailures MassFailures
Failures about Mass.
Public class BuiltInFailures MatchlineFailures
Failures about Matchline.
Public class BuiltInFailures MechanicalFailures
Failures about HVAC.
Public class BuiltInFailures MEPCalculationFailures
Failures about Fluid.
Public class BuiltInFailures MEPFabricationFailures
Failures about MEP fabrication.
Public class BuiltInFailures MirrorFailures
Failures about Mirror.
Public class BuiltInFailures MultiReferenceAnnotationFailures
Failures about MultiReferenceAnnotations.
Public class BuiltInFailures NumberingFailures
Failures related to object numbering operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures OffsetFacesCellLegacyFailures
Failures related to offset faces operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures OpeningFailures
Failures about Opening.
Public class BuiltInFailures OverlapFailures
Failures detected by overlap check.
Public class BuiltInFailures ParameterFailures
Failures related to parameters and parameter operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures PartMakerMethodForMergePartFailures
Failures related to part merge operations.
Public class BuiltInFailures PartMakerMethodForWallFailures
Failures related to parts related to walls.
Public class BuiltInFailures PathFailures
Failures about Path.
Public class BuiltInFailures PathOfTravelFailures
Failures about PathOfTravel.
Public class BuiltInFailures PerformanceFailures
Failures which give hints pointing to situations where performance could be improved.
Public class BuiltInFailures PipingFailures
Failures about Pipes.
Public class BuiltInFailures PlanRegionFailures
Failures about PlanRegion.
Public class BuiltInFailures PointFailures
Failures about Point Element.
Public class BuiltInFailures ProfileFailures
Failures about Profile.
Public class BuiltInFailures PropertySetElementFailures
Failures related to property set elements.
Public class BuiltInFailures RebarCouplerFailures
Failures concerning couplers
Public class BuiltInFailures RebarFailures
Failures about Rebar.
Public class BuiltInFailures RebarShapeFailures
Failures about RebarShape.
Public class BuiltInFailures RebarSystemFailures
Failures related to rebar systems.
Public class BuiltInFailures RefPlaneFailures
Failures about RefPlane.
Public class BuiltInFailures RegenFailures
Failures about RegenFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures RenderFailures
Failures related to rendering.
Public class BuiltInFailures RevisionCloudFailures
Failures about RevisionCloud.
Public class BuiltInFailures RevisionFailures
Failures about Revision Settings.
Public class BuiltInFailures RevolutionFailures
Failures about Revolution.
Public class BuiltInFailures RoofFailures
Failures about Roof.
Public class BuiltInFailures RoomFailures
Failures about Room.
Public class BuiltInFailures ScheduleViewFailures
Failures about Schedule.
Public class BuiltInFailures SculptingFailures
Failures about Sculpting.
Public class BuiltInFailures SectionViewFailures
Failures about Section.
Public class BuiltInFailures SelectionFailures
Failures about Selections.
Public class BuiltInFailures SheetFailures
Failures about Sheet.
Public class BuiltInFailures SiteFailures
Failures about Site.
Public class BuiltInFailures SiteImportFailures
Failures about SiteImport.
Public class BuiltInFailures SketchFailures
Failures about Sketch.
Public class BuiltInFailures SkylightFailures
Failures about Skylight.
Public class BuiltInFailures SlabFailures
Failures about Slab.
Public class BuiltInFailures SlabShapeFailures
Failures about SlabShape.
Public class BuiltInFailures SlantedColumnFailures
Failures about SlantedColumn.
Public class BuiltInFailures SpanDirectionSymbolFailures
Failures about SpanDirectionSymbol.
Public class BuiltInFailures SplineFailures
Failures about Spline.
Public class BuiltInFailures StairRampFailures
Failures about StairRamp.
Public class BuiltInFailures SteelElementFailures
Failures about steel elements
Public class BuiltInFailures SteelElementsFailures
Failures about SteelElement module
Public class BuiltInFailures StructuralAssetFailures
Failures related to structural materials.
Public class BuiltInFailures StructuralConnectionFailures
Failures about StructuralConnectionHandler.
Public class BuiltInFailures StructuralCustomConnectionFailures
Failures about StructuralConnectionHandler.
Public class BuiltInFailures StructuralLoadFailures
Failures about Load.
Public class BuiltInFailures SweepFailures
Failures about Sweep.
Public class BuiltInFailures SweptBlendFailures
Failures about SweptBlend.
Public class BuiltInFailures SystemNavigatorFailures
Failures related with the system browser.
Public class BuiltInFailures SystemsFailures
Failures about System.
Public class BuiltInFailures TagFailures
Failures about Tag.
Public class BuiltInFailures TextFailures
Failures about Text.
Public class BuiltInFailures TilePatternTileFailures
Failures related to tile pattern tile.
Public class BuiltInFailures ToggleViewFailures
Failures about ToggleView.
Public class BuiltInFailures TrussFailures
Failures about Truss.
Public class BuiltInFailures UniqueElementFailures
Public class BuiltInFailures ViewFailures
Failures about ViewFailures.
Public class BuiltInFailures WallFailures
Failures about Wall.
Public class BuiltInFailures WallJoinFailures
Failures about WallJoin.
Public class BuiltInFailures WallJoinRoofFailures
Failures about WallJoinRoof.
Public class BuiltInFailures WorksharingFailures
Failures about WorksharingFailures.
Public class CADExportOptions
Generic CAD Export options.
Public class CADLinkOperations
This class is used to extend the IExternalResourceServer interface with methods to support operations specifically related to DWG links.
Public class CADLinkOptions
This class contains the options in use when or reloading a CAD link type (DWG, DXF, etc.)
Public class CADLinkType
CADLinkType represents both CAD links and CAD imports. The function IsLink can be used to distinguish between the two. CAD imports are not ExternalFileReferences; they are brought completely into the document and maintain no connection to their original file.
Public class CameraInfo
An object holding information about the projection mapping of a 3D view.
Public class CancellationListener
Allows clients to poll the cancellation status of a background operation. Revit instantiates CancellationListener objects for internal background operation implementations only. As such, third-party developers are not expected to instantiate or handle CancellationListener objects.
Public class Categories
The Categories object is a map that contains all the top-level Category objects within the Document.
Public class Category
Represents the category or subcategory to which an element belongs.
Public class CategoryNameMap
A map that contains a mapping of category name to its category object.
Public class CategoryNameMapIterator
An iterator to a category name map.
Public class CategorySet
A set that can contains Category objects.
Public class CategorySetIterator
An iterator to a category set.
Public class Ceiling
Represents a ceiling in Autodesk Revit.
Public class CeilingAndFloor
A base class that provides support for all ceiling and floor objects.
Public class CeilingType
Represents a ceiling type in Autodesk Revit.
Public class ChangeType
A class representing a change that can be detected and tracked during Dynamic Update.
Public class City
An object that contains geographical location information for a known city.
Public class CitySet
An set that contains cities.
Public class CitySetIterator
An iterator to a city set.
Public class ClassificationEntries
A collection of ClassificationEntry objects that make up the classification table.
Public class ClassificationEntry
Represents an entry in the classification table.
Public class ClosestPointsPairBetweenTwoCurves
This class captures results of computation of closest points between two generic curves.
Public class Color
Represents a color in Autodesk Revit.
Public class ColorBackgroundSettings
Represents the rendering color background settings.
Public class ColorWithTransparency
Color with transparency
Public class ColumnAttachment
An object representing the attachment of the top or bottom of a column to some target: a floor, roof, ceiling, beam, or brace.
Public class CombinableElement
An element that can be added to a geometry combination.
Public class CombinableElementArray
An array that contains CombinableElement objects.
Public class CombinableElementArrayIterator
An iterator to an CombinableElement array.
Public class ComponentRepeater
An element that contains and manages a set of repeated components.
Public class ComponentRepeaterIterator
A slot iterator for ComponentRepeater.
Public class ComponentRepeaterSlot
Represents a slot that holds one repeated component in a component repeater.
Public class CompoundStructure
Describes the internal structure of a wall, floor, roof or ceiling.
Public class CompoundStructureLayer
Describes a single layer in a CompoundStructure.
Public class ConfigurationReloadInfo
This object contains information returned by a reload of the fabrication configuration.
Public class ConicalFace
A conical face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class ConicalSurface
A Conical Surface.
Public class ConnectionValidationInfo
This object contains information about fabrication connection validations.
Public class ConnectionValidationWarning
Contains information about a specific connection validation problem.
Public class Connector
A connector in an Autodesk Revit MEP project document.
Public class ConnectorElement
A base class that provides support for all connector elements occurring in families.
Public class ConnectorManager
Provides access to the Connector Manager
Public class ConnectorSet
A set that can contain any type of object.
Public class ConnectorSetIterator
An iterator to a set.
Public class Construction
Construction definition for Project Information.
Public class ContentNode
This is a class representing a generic content node in a model-exporting process.
Public class Control
A control in Autodesk Revit family document.
Public class CopyPasteOptions
Settings to control the behavior of a copy-paste operation.
Public class CurtainCell
Represents a CurtainCell within Autodesk Revit.
Public class CurtainGrid
Represents a curtain grid element within Autodesk Revit.
Public class CurtainGridLine
Represents a CurtainGridLine within Autodesk Revit.
Public class CurtainGridSet
A set that can contain any type of object.
Public class CurtainGridSetIterator
An iterator to a set.
Public class CurtainSystem
Provides access to the CurtainSystem object in Autodesk Revit.
Public class CurtainSystemBase
Provides access to the CurtainSystemBase object in Autodesk Revit.
Public class CurtainSystemType
An object that represents CurtainSystem type.
Public class Curve
A parametric curve.
Public class CurveArrArray
An array that can contain any type of object.
Public class CurveArrArrayIterator
An iterator to a array.
Public class CurveArray
An array that can contain curves.
Public class CurveArrayIterator
An iterator to a curve array.
Public class CurveByPoints
A curve interpolating two or more points.
Public class CurveByPointsArray
An array that can contain CurveByPoints elements.
Public class CurveByPointsArrayIterator
An iterator to a CurveByPoints array.
Public class CurveByPointsUtils
A static class that contains methods for processing curves driven by points.
Public class CurveElement
Class representing curve elements.
Public class CurveElementFilter
A filter used to pass curve elements which are of a specific type.
Public class CurveExtents
Represents the start and end parameters for a curve segment.
Public class CurveLoop
A class that represents a chain of curves.
Public class CurveLoopIterator
An iterator to a curve loop.
Public class CurveLoopsProfile
Represents a curve loop based profile for sweep or swept blend elements.
Public class CurveNode
An output node that represents a model curve.
Public class CustomExporter
A class that allows exporting 3D or 2D views via an export context.
Public class CylindricalFace
A cylindrical face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class CylindricalHelix
A cylindrical helix.
Public class CylindricalSurface
A cylindrical surface.
Public class DataConversionMonitorScope
This class is used to regsiter an application-supplied object that implements IDataConversionMonitor. Creating the object registers an implementation of IDataConversionMonitor supplied as constructor argument. When the scope object is destroyed, that object is unregistered.
Public class DatumPlane
A base class representing a datum surface (level, grid or reference plane) in Autodesk Revit.
Public class DefaultDivideSettings
Provides access to project-wide divide settings.
Public class DefaultOpenFromCloudCallback
A default callback that may be used to control Revit's behavior when opening a model.
Public class Definition
The Definition object is a base object for all type of parameter definitions within the Autodesk Revit API.
Public class DefinitionBindingMap
A map that contains mappings of parameter definitions to parameter bindings.
Public class DefinitionBindingMapIterator
An iterator to a parameter definition to parameter bindings map.
Public class DefinitionFile
The DefinitionFile object represents a shared parameters file on disk.
Public class DefinitionGroup
The DefinitionGroup is a container that is used to hold shared parameter definitions on disk.
Public class DefinitionGroups
A specialized set of definition groups that allows creation of new groups.
Public class Definitions
A base class that supports the addition of new parameter definitions.
Public class DeleteElements
Deletes element(s) related to the failure.
Public class DesignOption
An element that represents a design alternative.
Public class DetailArc
Represents a DetailArc within Autodesk Revit.
Public class DetailCurve
A curve that is used to create a detail drawing. A detail curve is visible only in the view in which it is drawn.
Public class DetailCurveArray
An array that can contain any type of object.
Public class DetailCurveArrayIterator
An iterator to a array.
Public class DetailElementOrderUtils
A utility class that arranges the draw order of the detail objects.
Public class DetailEllipse
Represents a DetailEllipse within Autodesk Revit.
Public class DetailLine
Represents a DetailLine within Autodesk Revit.
Public class DetailNurbSpline
Represents a DetailNurbSpline within Autodesk Revit.
Public class DGNExportOptions
The export options used by exporting DGN format file.
Public class DGNImportOptions
The import options used to import DGN format files.
Public class Dimension
An object that represents a dimension within the Revit project.
Public class DimensionEqualityLabelFormatting
Instances of this class represent individual parameters used to make up a dimension equality formula for continuous linear or angular dimensions.
Public class DimensionSegment
A segment of a dimension within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class DimensionSegmentArray
An array that can contain any number of DimensionSegment objects.
Public class DimensionSegmentArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of DimensionSegment objects..
Public class DimensionType
An object that represents a dimension style.
Public class DirectShape
This class is used to store externally created geometric shapes. Primary intended use is for importing shapes from other data formats such as IFC or STEP. A DirectShape object may be assigned a category. That will affect how that object is displayed in Revit.
Public class DirectShapeLibrary
DirectShapeLibrary is used to store pre-created geometry for further referencing via the definition/instance mechanism. It is not persistent: the scope of a library object is usually a single data creation session. DirectShape::createGeometryInstance and DirectShape::CreateElementInstance will use the current DirectShapeLibrary to look up the definitions. store a collection of GNodes as definition end class DirectShapeDefinition
Public class DirectShapeOptions
This class is used to control behavior of a DirectShape or a DirectShapeType object.
Public class DirectShapeType
The type element associated with a DirectShape element. This element includes data reused by DirectShape elements of the same type.
Public class DisplacementElement
A view-specific element that causes other elements to appear to be displaced from their actual locations.
Public class DisplacementPath
A view-specific annotation related to a DisplacementElement.
Public class DividedPath
An element that consists of a set of points distributed along a path which consists of a connected set of curves and edges.
Public class DividedSurface
An element that represents a mesh on the surface of another element, a family instance, an import instance or a geometry combination, and a tile pattern built on that mesh.
Public class Document
An object that represents an open Autodesk Revit project.
Public class DocumentPreviewSettings
Contains the settings related to the saving of preview images for a given document.
Public class DocumentSet
A set that can contain any documents.
Public class DocumentSetIterator
An iterator to a set of documents.
Public class DocumentValidation
Utility functions with document validation
Public class DocumentVersion
This class uniquely identifies an edition of a given document.
Public class DoubleArray
An array that contains doubles.
Public class DoubleArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of doubles.
Public class DoubleParameterValue
A class that holds a Double value of a parameter element.
Public class DuplicateTypeNamesHandlerArgs
A structure that provides information about an attempt to copy types with names that already exist in the destination document.
Public class DWFExportOptions
DWF Export options.
Public class DWFImportOptions
The import options used by importing DWF or DWFx format file.
Public class DWFXExportOptions
DWFX Export options.
Public class DWGExportOptions
The export options used by exporting DWG format file.
Public class DWGImportOptions
The import options used by importing DWG or DXF format file.
Public class DXFExportOptions
The export options used by exporting DXF format file.
Public class Edge
An edge of a 3d solid.
Public class EdgeArray
An array that contains edges.
Public class EdgeArrayArray
An array of edge arrays.
Public class EdgeArrayArrayIterator
An iterator to an array or edge arrays.
Public class EdgeArrayIterator
An iterator to an edge array.
Public class EditScope
The base class for a scope object that provides special access and limitations related to editing certain elements.
Public class Element
Base class for most persistent data within a Revit document.
Public class ElementArray
An array that contains element objects.
Public class ElementArrayIterator
An iterator to an element array.
Public class ElementBinding
A base class for all types of binding that attach to an element.
Public class ElementCategoryFilter
A filter used to match elements by their category.
Public class ElementClassFilter
A filter used to match elements by their class.
Public class ElementDesignOptionFilter
A filter used to find elements contained within a particular design option.
Public class ElementFilter
A base class for a type of filter that accepts or rejects elements based upon criteria.
Public class ElementId
The ElementId object is used as a unique identification for an element within a single project.
Public class ElementIdParameterValue
A class that holds a ElementId value of a parameter element.
Public class ElementIntersectsElementFilter
A filter to find elements that intersect the solid geometry of a given element.
Public class ElementIntersectsFilter
A base class for filters used to match elements which intersect with geometry.
Public class ElementIntersectsSolidFilter
A filter to find elements that intersect the given solid geometry.
Public class ElementIsCurveDrivenFilter
A filter used to match elements which are curve driven.
Public class ElementIsElementTypeFilter
A filter used to match elements which are ElementTypes.
Public class ElementLevelFilter
A filter used to match elements by their associated level.
Public class ElementLogicalFilter
A filter used to logically combine two or more filters.
Public class ElementMulticategoryFilter
A filter used to find elements whose category matches any of a given set of categories.
Public class ElementMulticlassFilter
A filter used to match elements by their class, where more than one class of element may be passed.
Public class ElementNode
A render node that represents an element, including the host document containing the element.
Public class ElementOwnerViewFilter
A filter used to match elements which are owned by a particular view.
Public class ElementParameterFilter
A filter used to match elements by one or more parameter filter rules.
Public class ElementPhaseStatusFilter
A filter used to match elements that have a given phase status on a given phase.
Public class ElementQuickFilter
A base class for a type of filter that operates on element records.
Public class ElementRecord
A record in the Revit database representing an element.
Public class ElementSet
A set that contains element objects.
Public class ElementSetIterator
An iterator to an element set.
Public class ElementSlowFilter
A base class for a type of filter that operates on expanded elements.
Public class ElementStructuralTypeFilter
A filter used to find elements matching a structural type.
Public class ElementTransformUtils
A collection of utilities allowing transformation of elements (e.g. move, rotate, mirror and copy).
Public class ElementType
Base class for all Types within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ElementWorksetFilter
A filter used to match elements which reside in a given workset.
Public class ElevationMarker
ElevationMarkers either host elevation ViewSection views or view references.
Public class Ellipse
A whole or partial ellipse.
Public class ExclusionFilter
A filter used to exclude a set of elements automatically.
Public class ExportDGNSettings
This element contains DGN export settings which are saved in a Revit document.
Public class ExportDWGSettings
This element contains DWG/DXF export settings which are saved in a Revit document.
Public class ExportFontInfo
A value used to represent the info stored in an ExportFontTable .
Public class ExportFontKey
A key used to represent an item stored in an ExportFontTable .
Public class ExportFontTable
A table supporting a mapping of Revit font names to font names that will be set in the target export format.
Public class ExportFontTableIterator
An iterator to a set of font table.
Public class ExportLayerInfo
A value used to represent the info stored in the ExportLayerTable .
Public class ExportLayerKey
A key used to represent an item stored in an ExportLayerTable .
Public class ExportLayerTable
A table supporting a mapping of category and subcategory to layer name and other layer properties that will be set in the target export format.
Public class ExportLayerTableIterator
An iterator to a set of Layer table.
Public class ExportLinetypeInfo
A value used to represent the info stored in the ExportLinetypeTable .
Public class ExportLinetypeKey
A key used to represent an item stored in an ExportLinetypeTable .
Public class ExportLinetypeTable
A table supporting a mapping of linetypes in Revit to linetype names that will be set in the target export format.
Public class ExportLinetypeTableIterator
An iterator to a set of line type table.
Public class ExportLineweightInfo
A value used to represent the info stored in the ExportLineweightTable .
Public class ExportLineweightKey
A key used to represent an item stored in an ExportLineweightTable .
Public class ExportLineweightTable
A table supporting a mapping of line weights in Revit to line weight names that will be set in the target export format.
Public class ExportLineweightTableIterator
An iterator to a set of line weight table.
Public class ExportPatternInfo
A value used to represent the info stored in the ExportPatternTable .
Public class ExportPatternKey
A key used to represent an item stored in an ExportPatternTable .
Public class ExportPatternTable
A table supporting a mapping of FillPatterns in Revit to pattern names that will be set in the target export format.
Public class ExportPatternTableIterator
An iterator to a set of Pattern table.
Public class ExportUtils
This class provides utilities related to document export.
Public class ExternalDefinition
The ExternalDefinition object adds properties specific to Autodesk Revit shared parameter definitions.
Public class ExternalDefinitionCreationOptions
An option class used for creating a new shared parameter definition, including options such as name, type, visibility, Guid description and modifiable flag.
Public class ExternalDefinitions
Supports the creation of new shared parameters definitions.
Public class ExternalFileReference
A class that contains the details of a reference to a file outside of a given document.
Public class ExternalFileUtils
A utility class containing functions related to external file references.
Public class ExternalResourceBrowserData
Represents a collection of external resources and external resource folders to be presented as the content of a folder in the file browser in Revit.
Public class ExternalResourceLoadContent
This class contains the actual content data and other results of an external resource load operation that are returned by an IExternalResourceServer to Revit.
Public class ExternalResourceLoadContext
This class contains data describing the context related to an external resource load operation.
Public class ExternalResourceLoadData

This class contains the input and output data resulting from invoking an IExternalResourceServer's LoadResource method.

After the call to LoadResource, the resulting ExternalResourceLoadData will be passed into IExternalResourceServer.HandleLoadResourceResults() so that appropriate UI can be displayed.

Server providers can inspect the ExternalResourceLoadData to get an ExternalResourceLoadContent object of the subclass appropriate to the external resource. The class also contains a copy of the ExternalResourceReference, and information about the context of the load operation.

Public class ExternalResourceMatchOptions
Represents match options used to filter external resources when listing them from external resource server.
Public class ExternalResourceReference
This class identifies an external resource provided by an IExternalResourceServer.
Public class ExternalResourceServerExtensions
An object that contains overrides for external resource-specific methods.
Public class ExternalResourceServerUtils
Contains utilities related to external resource server.
Public class ExternalResourceServiceUtils
Contains utilities related to external resource service.
Public class ExternalResourceSubFolder
Data that describes a remote folder to be shown in the file browser dialog
Public class ExternalResourceType
A type class used to distinguish between different kinds of external resource.
Public class ExternalResourceTypes
Provides a container of all Revit built-in ExternalResourceType instances.
Public class ExternalResourceTypes BuiltInExternalResourceTypes
A collection of ids of the ExternalResourceTypes provided by Revit.
Public class ExternalResourceUtils
A utility class containing functions related to external resource references.
Public class Extrusion
A extrusion solid or void form.
Public class ExtrusionAnalyzer
This geometry utility allows you to attempt to "fit" a given piece of geometry into the shape of an extrusion.
Public class ExtrusionRoof
Represents some kinds of Extrusion Roofs.
Public class FabricationAncillaryUsage
Structure that holds information about the usage of a fabrication ancillary
Public class FabricationConfiguration
This element contains the information about the fabrication configuration settings used by the project.
Public class FabricationConfigurationInfo
Represents an MEP object that holds the properties of an MEP fabrication configuration.
Public class FabricationConnectorInfo
Fabrication connector information.
Public class FabricationDimensionDefinition
Fabricaition dimension definition
Public class FabricationHostedInfo
The fabrication hosted element information.
Public class FabricationItemFile
This class holds information about the item file, including whether it is already loaded from disk into Revit.
Public class FabricationItemFolder
A fabrication item folder that can contain sub folders and access to the FabricationItemFile s contained within.
Public class FabricationPart
Represents a fabrication component in the Autodesk Revit MEP product.
Public class FabricationPartType
Represents a fabrication component type in the Autodesk Revit MEP product.
Public class FabricationRodInfo
The rod information of the fabrication part.
Public class FabricationService
This object contains information about a fabrication service.
Public class FabricationServiceButton
The object contains information about a fabricaton button.
Public class FabricationVersionInfo
The object contains versioning information about fabrication data.
Public class Face
A bounded face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class FaceArray
An array that contains faces.
Public class FaceArrayIterator
An iterator to a face array.
Public class FaceDetailNode
A base class of output nodes that represent face edges and face silhouettes.
Public class FaceEdgeNode
An output node that represents a Face edge.
Public class FaceNode
An output node that represents a Face.
Public class FaceSecondDerivatives
Contains second partial derivatives of a face at a specified point.
Public class FaceSilhouetteNode
An output node that represents a Face edge.
Public class FaceSplitter
Represents an element that splits a face.
Public class FacetingUtils
This class is used to convertTrianglesToQuads a triangulated structure into a structure in which some of the triangles have been consolidated into quadrilaterals.
Public class FaceWall
A wall attached to a non-vertical massing face.
Public class FailureDefinition
Defines persistent information about a failure.
Public class FailureDefinitionAccessor
A class that provides access to the details of a FailureDefinition after the definition has been defined.
Public class FailureDefinitionId
The unique identifier of a FailureDefinition.
Public class FailureDefinitionRegistry
The global registry for all FailureDefinitions in the Revit session.
Public class FailureHandlingOptions
Options to control how failures (if any occurred during the transaction) should be handled at the time the transaction is being ended.
Public class FailureMessage
Represents a message describing a failure of an operation in Revit.
Public class FailureMessageAccessor
Restricted accessor for FailureMessage.
Public class FailureMessageKey
A unique key assigned to each posted failure message
Public class FailureResolution
Defines a resolution for a failure.
Public class FailuresAccessor
An interface class that provides access to failure information posted in a document and methods to resolve these failures.
Public class Family
An element that represents a custom family (not a system family) in Autodesk Revit.
Public class FamilyElementVisibility
Provides access to the visibility parameters of family elements in family document.
Public class FamilyInstance
his object represents a single instance of a family type, such as a single I beam.
Public class FamilyInstanceFilter
A filter used to find elements that are family instances of the given family symbol.
Public class FamilyManager
The family manager object to manage the family types and parameters in family document.
Public class FamilyParameter
The family parameter object.
Public class FamilyParameterSet
A set that contains FamilyParameter objects.
Public class FamilyParameterSetIterator
An iterator to a FamilyParameter set.
Public class FamilyPointLocation
Data corresponding to the point locations in certain types of Family Symbols.
Public class FamilyPointPlacementReference
This object represents data corresponding to the placement references in a certain types of Family Instances (see examples listed below).
Public class FamilySizeTable
Contains size information for a family.
Public class FamilySizeTableColumn
Contains column information for a FamilySizeTable.
Public class FamilySizeTableErrorInfo
Error information generated from the CSV file import of a FamilySizeTable.
Public class FamilySizeTableManager
Manages importing, exporting, and querying size data through the FamilySizeTable class.
Public class FamilySymbol
An element that represents a single type with a Family.
Public class FamilySymbolFilter
A filter used to find all family symbols of the given family.
Public class FamilySymbolProfile
Represents a family symbol based profile for sweep or swept blend elements.
Public class FamilyThermalProperties
A class that contains thermal properties for specific types of families (doors, windows, and curtain wall panels).
Public class FamilyType
The family type object provides read access to the values of family parameters for this type.
Public class FamilyTypeSet
A set that contains FamilyType objects.
Public class FamilyTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a FamilyType set.
Public class FamilyUtils
Contains utilities related to family operations.
Public class FBXExportOptions
3D-Studio Max (FBX) Export options.
Public class FilePath
This class represents a path on a disk or network location, but not a path to a Revit server location.
Public class FilledRegion
A filled region element.
Public class FilledRegionType
A filled region attributes element. Note, the forground pattern color is stored in the parent class
Public class FillGrid
Represents a grid line in a fill pattern.
Public class FillPattern
Represents a fill pattern object.
Public class FillPatternElement
An element that represents a fill pattern.
Public class FilterableValueProvider
Defines the interface for classes that extract values from elements in a Revit project for testing against filter rules.
Public class FilterCategoryRule
A filter rule that matches elements of a set of categories.
Public class FilterDoubleRule
A filter rule that operates on double-precision numeric values in a Revit project.
Public class FilteredElementCollector
This class is used to search, filter and iterate through a set of elements.
Public class FilteredElementIdIterator
An iterator to a set of element ids filtered by the settings of a FilteredElementCollector.
Public class FilteredElementIterator
An iterator to a set of elements filtered by the settings of a FilteredElementCollector.
Public class FilteredWorksetCollector
This class is used to search, filter and iterate through a set of worksets.
Public class FilteredWorksetIdIterator
An iterator to a set of workset ids filtered by the settings of a FilteredWorksetCollector.
Public class FilteredWorksetIterator
An iterator to a set of worksets filtered by the settings of a FilteredWorksetCollector.
Public class FilterElement
The base class for filter elements in the document.
Public class FilterElementIdRule
A filter rule that operates on ElementId values in a Revit project.
Public class FilterGlobalParameterAssociationRule
A filter rule that operates on global parameters ElementId values in a Revit project.
Public class FilterIntegerRule
A filter rule that operates on integer values in a Revit project.
Public class FilterInverseRule
A filter rule that inverts the boolean values returned by the rule it contains.
Public class FilterNumericEquals
Tests whether numeric values from the document are equal to a certain value
Public class FilterNumericGreater
Tests whether numeric values from the document are greater than a certain value
Public class FilterNumericGreaterOrEqual
Tests whether numeric values from the document are greater than or equal to a certain value
Public class FilterNumericLess
Tests whether numeric values from the document are less than a certain value
Public class FilterNumericLessOrEqual
Tests whether numeric values from the document are less than or equal to a certain value
Public class FilterNumericRuleEvaluator
Base for all classes that compare numeric values from Revit to a user-supplied filter value.
Public class FilterNumericValueRule
Base for all classes that use a FilterNumericRuleEvaluator to perform their comparisons
Public class FilterOperatorAndTextString
An instance of this class holds a filter operator and a text string that denotes the operator in a particular context. For example, the text string for ScheduleFilterType::LessThan may be "is less than" for a filter rule based on a parameter with numerical values or "is below" for a filter rule based on a parameter representing a Level.
Public class FilterRule
Defines a boolean operation that can be used to cull elements from a document.
Public class FilterStringBeginsWith
Tests whether string values from the document begin with a certain string.
Public class FilterStringContains
Tests whether string values from the document contain a certain string.
Public class FilterStringEndsWith
Tests whether string values from the document end with a certain string.
Public class FilterStringEquals
Tests whether string values from the document match a certain string.
Public class FilterStringGreater
Tests whether string values from the document would sort after a certain string.
Public class FilterStringGreaterOrEqual
Tests whether string values from the document would sort after or match a certain string.
Public class FilterStringLess
Tests whether string values from the document would sort before a certain string.
Public class FilterStringLessOrEqual
Tests whether string values from the document would sort before or match a certain string.
Public class FilterStringRule
A filter rule that operates on string values in a Revit project.
Public class FilterStringRuleEvaluator
Base for all classes that compare string values from Revit to a user-supplied filter value
Public class FilterValueRule
A rule that filters on a particular value of an element.
Public class Floor
An object that represents a Floor within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class FloorType
An object that specifies the type of a floor in Autodesk Revit.
Public class FolderItemInfo
Contains data for each folder item in the organization settings of the project browser including folder parameter Id and folder name.
Public class FootPrintRoof
Represents kinds of FootPrintRoofs.
Public class Form
An object that represents a Form within the Autodesk Revit Massing Family.
Public class FormArray
An array that contains form objects.
Public class FormArrayIterator
An iterator to a form array.
Public class FormatOptions
Options for formatting numbers with units.
Public class FormattedText
FormattedText is used to create, edit and format text in a TextNote or to query the text and format properties of a TextNode
Public class FormatValueOptions
Options for formatting numbers with units into strings.
Public class FormulaManager
A class to access and query information about formula engine in Revit models.
Public class FormUtils
Define Form utility functions
Public class Frame
A Frame comprises three vectors at a base point in 3D space.
Public class FreeFormElement
A Free Form Element that contains non-parametric geometry created from an input solid outline.
Public class GBXMLExportOptions
Green-Building XML Export options. Not used currently. Reserved for future use.
Public class GBXMLImportOptions
Import options for Green-Building XML format.
Public class GenericForm
Provides access to the Generic Form model in Autodesk Revit.
Public class GenericImportOptions
Generic Import options.
Public class GeomCombination
An element created by Join and Cut operations applied to combinable elements in an Autodesk Revit family document.
Public class GeomCombinationSet
A set that contains GeomCombination objects.
Public class GeomCombinationSetIterator
An iterator to a GeomCombination set.
Public class GeometryCreationUtilities
A utility that allows construction of basic solid shapes.
Public class GeometryElement
Geometric representation of an element.
Public class GeometryInstance
An instance of another element (symbol), specially positioned by this element.
Public class GeometryObject
The common base class for all geometric primitives.
Public class GlobalParameter
This class represents a GlobalParameter element in Revit.
Public class GlobalParametersManager
A class to access and query information about global parameters in Revit models.
Public class GradientBackgroundSettings
Represents the view gradient background settings.
Public class GraphicsStyle
The graphics style instance in Autodesk Revit document.
Public class Grid
Represents a single grid line within Autodesk Revit.
Public class GridType
An object that represents a grid type.
Public class Group
An element representing a single instance of a group of elements that may be placed many times in a project or family.
Public class GroupNode
A node that represents set of individual elements grouped together in some form, such as an instance of a family or linked Revit file.
Public class GroupSet
An set that contains groups.
Public class GroupSetIterator
An iterator to a group set.
Public class GroupType
An element representing a group of elements that may be placed many times in a project or family.
Public class GuidEnum
Base class of all GUID-based enum classes.
Public class HasNoValueFilterRule
Tests whether an element's parameter doesn't have a value.
Public class HasValueFilterRule
Tests whether an element's parameter has a value.
Public class HermiteFace
A cubic hermite spline face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class HermiteSpline
A Hermite spline.
Public class HermiteSplineTangents
This class indicates tangency at the start, the end, or both ends of the curve.
Public class HermiteSurface
A Hermite Surface.
Public class HomeCamera
A structure that contains information about the camera and view for the Home view orientation stored in the model.
Public class HostedSweep
An object that represents an object hosted by an edge of a roof or floor within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class HostedSweepType
An object that represents the attributes for sweep host objects in Autodesk Revit.
Public class HostObjAttributes
An object that represents characteristics of several kinds of type.
Public class HostObject
A base class that provides support for all objects that can host other objects, such as walls roofs, and floors.
Public class HostObjectUtils
These are generic host object utilities.
Public class IFCExportOptions
IFC Export options.
Public class ImageBackgroundSettings
Represents the rendering image background settings.
Public class ImageExportOptions
This class defines options for exporting views and sheets as an image.
Public class ImageImportOptions
Options used to import specific image formats and place an instance of them on a view or sheet.
Public class ImageInstance
An element that represents an instance of an image placed in a view
Public class ImagePlacementOptions
ImagePlacementOptions are used to describe where an ImageInstance should be placed in a view
Public class ImageType
Represents a type containing a raster based image. ImageInstances of this type can be placed in 2D views, sheets, and schedules.
Public class ImageTypeOptions
Public class ImageView
Class for ImageView views
Public class ImportInstance
An element created during either import or link operation. It is an instance of CADLinkType.
Public class IndependentTag
Represents tag annotations in Revit.
Public class InsertableObject
A base class you all types that are insertable.
Public class InSessionPrintSetting
Represents the in-session Print Setup (Application Menu->Print->Print Setup) within Autodesk Revit.
Public class InSessionViewSheetSet
Represents the in-session ViewSheetSet.
Public class Instance
The base class for all instance objects.
Public class InstanceBinding
The InstanceBinding object is used to signify a binding between a parameter definition and a parameter on each instance of an element, such as a wall.
Public class InstanceNode
An output node that represents a family instance.
Public class InstanceVoidCutUtils
Utilities for cutting elements by unattached voids in family instances.
Public class InsulationLiningBase
Acts as the base class for duct insulation, pipe insulation and duct lining elements.
Public class IntegerParameterValue
A class that holds an Integer value of a parameter element.
Public class IntegerRange
A class to define a range of a sequence of consecutive integer numbers
Public class InternalDefinition
This object represents a parameter definition in an Autodesk Revit model.
Public class InternalDefinitions
This object blocks attempts to create new internal definitions as they are not permitted.
Public class IntersectionResult
This class captures results of intersecting geometric entities. "Intersecting" is meant in generalized sense, so the same class will be used for projection, containment, etc. Refer to the documentation of the method providing the result for the precise meaning of properties.
Public class IntersectionResultArray
An array that can contain any type of object.
Public class IntersectionResultArrayIterator
An iterator to a array.
Public class JoinGeometryUtils
Utilities for joining and unjoining elements, and for managing the order in which elements are joined.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntries
A collection of KeyBasedTreeEntry objects that make up the key-based tree.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntriesIterator
An iterator to a set of KeyBasedTreeEntry objects.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntriesLoadContent
This class is used by IExternalResourceServers to return KeyBasedTreeEntries data to Revit when their LoadResource method is invoked.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntriesLoadResults
This class contains the results and status information regarding an attempt to load the KeyBasedTreeEntries from an External Resource.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntry
A key-based tree entry, containing the key, parent key, and children keys (if applicable).
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntryError
This class contains information about a problem encountered while creating a KeyBasedTreeEntries object.
Public class KeyBasedTreeEntryTable
KeyBasedTreeEntryTable represents the collection of key-based tree entries for a document.
Public class KeynoteEntries
A collection of KeynoteEntry objects that make up the keynote table.
Public class KeynoteEntry
Represents an entry in the keynote table, containing the key value, keynote text, and parent key (if applicable).
Public class KeynoteTable
KeynoteTable represents the collection of keynotes (KeynoteEntries) for a document.
Public class LabelUtils
Used to obtain user-visible names for enums.
Public class LayerModifier
A modifier used to designate extra strings to appear in the exported layer name.
Public class LayoutRule
The LayoutRule object is a base object for all type of layout rules for Beam System within the Autodesk Revit API.
Public class LayoutRuleClearSpacing
This class indicate the layout rule of a Beam System is Clear-Spacing.
Public class LayoutRuleFixedDistance
This class indicate the layout rule of a Beam System is Fixed-Distance.
Public class LayoutRuleFixedNumber
This class indicate the layout rule of a Beam System is Fixed-Number.
Public class LayoutRuleMaximumSpacing
This class indicate the layout rule of a Beam System is Max-Spacing.
Public class Leader
A leader object that can be attached to annotation elements such as text notes.
Public class LeaderArray
An array that can contain any number of leaders.
Public class LeaderArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of leaders.
Public class Level
Represents a Level within Autodesk Revit.
Public class LevelType
An object that represents a Level type.
Public class LightNode
This is a class representing a Light element in a model-exporting process.
Public class Line
A line in space.
Public class LineAndTextAttrSymbol
An object that represents a dimension style.
Public class LinearArray
An object that represents an Array created linearly within the Revit project.
Public class LinePattern
Represents a line pattern definition.
Public class LinePatternElement
An element that represents a line pattern.
Public class LinePatternSegment
Represents a segment in a line pattern.
Public class LineProperties
A structure that has access to the pen properties of lines/curves that are currently being drawn/exported via an export context during a custom export process.
Public class LineSegment
An output node that represents a tessellated line segment.
Public class LinkConversionData
This class contains the information necessary to re-create a Revit document from an external source.
Public class LinkElementId
LinkElementId represents an element in a linked document.
Public class LinkLoadContent
This class is used by IExternalResourceServers to return Link data to Revit when their LoadResource method is invoked. It also contains additional information used by IExternalResourceUIServers to display link load status results to the user.
Public class LinkLoadResult
This class stores the results of trying to load a single linked model.
Public class LinkNode
An output node that represents a linked Revit document.
Public class LinkOperations
This class is used to extend the IExternalResourceServer interface with methods to support operations for elements that are LinkTypes.
Public class LoadedFamilyIntegrityCheck
Functions for checking the integrity of loaded families.
Public class Location
Provides location functionality for all elements.
Public class LocationCurve
Provides location functionality for all elements that are based upon a curve.
Public class LocationPoint
Provides location functionality for all elements that have a single insertion point.
Public class LogicalAndFilter
A filter that contains a set of filters. The filter passes when all filters in the set pass.
Public class LogicalOrFilter
A filter that contains a set of filters. The filter passes when any filter in the set passes.
Public class MassInstanceUtils
A static class that contains methods for processing curves driven by points.
Public class Material
Represents a material element within an Autodesk Revit project.
Public class MaterialNode
This class represents a change of material during a model-exporting process.
Public class MEPAnalyticalConnection
Represents an analytical element that connects mechanical equipment to piping network.
Public class MEPAnalyticalConnectionType
Represents an analytical connection type between mechanical equipment and piping network.
Public class MEPCalculationServerInfo
a struct to hold the information about a MEP calucation servers
Public class MEPConnectorInfo
MEP connector information.
Public class MEPCurve
A curve object for duct or pipe blend elements.
Public class MEPCurveType
The base type class for MEP curves, such as ducts, pipes, cable trays and conduits.
Public class MEPFamilyConnectorInfo
MEP family connector information.
Public class MEPModel
Supports all MEP models that are persistent within the Autodesk Revit project
Public class MEPSize
Stores the basic size information for an MEP duct, pipe, cable tray, or conduit.
Public class MEPSystem
A system in the Autodesk Revit MEP product.
Public class MEPSystemType
A system type in the Autodesk Revit MEP product.
Public class Mesh
A triangular mesh.
Public class MeshFromGeometryOperationResult
Describes what TessellatedShapeBuilder has built.
Public class MeshTriangle
One triangle of a mesh.
Public class ModelArc
Represents a ModelArc within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ModelCurve
A model element that exists in 3D space and is visible in all views of a Revit project.
Public class ModelCurveArrArray
An array that can contain any type of object.
Public class ModelCurveArrArrayIterator
An iterator to a array.
Public class ModelCurveArray
An array that contains model curves.
Public class ModelCurveArrayIterator
An iterator to a model curve array.
Public class ModelCurveNode
A base class of output nodes that represent various model curves.
Public class ModelEllipse
Represents a ModelEllipse within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ModelHermiteSpline
Represents a ModelHermiteSpline within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ModelLine
Represents a ModelLine within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ModelNurbSpline
Represents a ModelNurbSpline within Autodesk Revit.
Public class ModelPath
A path to a file stored on a disk or on a server.
Public class ModelPathUtils
Utility functions using ModelPaths
Public class ModelText
A model text element in an Autodesk Revit family document.
Public class ModelTextType
A model text type symbol in the Autodesk Revit Family document.
Public class Mullion
Represents a CurtainGrid within Autodesk Revit.
Public class MullionType
An object that represents a mullion type.
Public class MullionTypeSet
A set that contains mullion types.
Public class MullionTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a mullion type set.
Public class MultiReferenceAnnotation
Multi-reference annotations are annotations pointing to more than one reference, consisting of a dimension and associated tag.
Public class MultiReferenceAnnotationOptions
Options which control the creation of MultiReferenceAnnotations.
Public class MultiReferenceAnnotationType
The type for MultiReferenceAnnotation.
Public class MultiSegmentGrid
This element acts as a multi-segmented Grid. The individual grids associated to the MultiSegmentGrid behave as a single unit and all share the same text. They inherit their type (GridType) from the MultiSegmentGrid.
Public class NamingUtils
A collection of utilities related to element naming.
Public class NavisworksExportOptions
Options which controls the Navisworks export.
Public class NestedFamilyTypeReference
A proxy element representing a nested family type.
Public class NullParameterValue
A class that represent an empty (null) value of a parameter element.
Public class NumberingSchema
A class to support assigning numbers to elements of a particular kind for the purpose of tagging and scheduling them.
Public class NumberingSchemaType
A type for identifying a NumberingSchema of a particular kind.
Public class NumberingSchemaTypes
Provides a container of all Revit built-in NumberingSchemaType instances.
Public class NumberingSchemaTypes StructuralNumberingSchemas
A collection of types of built-in Numbering Schemas that are used for numbering structure elements.
Public class NumberSystem
An annotation that consists of a series of numeric tags attached to and describing a host element.
Public class NumericRevisionSettings
Contains settings that apply to Revisions with the Numeric RevisionNumberType.
Public class NurbSpline
A nurb spline.
Public class NurbsSurfaceData
A class used to represent the definition of a NURBS surface.
Public class Opening
An opening in an Autodesk Revit project or family document.
Public class OpenOptions
This class contains options available for opening a document from disk.
Public class OptionalFunctionalityUtils
A collection of utilities that can be used to determine if a particular set of functionality is installed and available.
Public class Options
User preferences for parsing of geometry.
Public class OrdinateDimensionSetting
Represents a collection of Ordinate Dimension settings that can be associated to an ordinate DimensionType.
Public class Outline
Outline is a generic object that provides a bounding box/bounding outline. It supports operations to scale and transform. It also supports intersections and contains operations.
Public class OverrideGraphicSettings
Settings to override display of elements in a view.
Public class Panel
This object represents a curtain panel.
Public class PanelType
An object that represents a curtain panel type.
Public class PanelTypeSet
A set that contains panel types.
Public class PanelTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a panel type set.
Public class PaperSize
An object that represents a Paper Size of Print Setup within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class PaperSizeSet
A set that can contain any number of paper size objects.
Public class PaperSizeSetIterator
An iterator to a set of paper size objects.
Public class PaperSource
An object that represents a Paper Source of Print Setup within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class PaperSourceSet
A set that can contain any number of paper source objects.
Public class PaperSourceSetIterator
An iterator to a set of paper source objects.
Public class Parameter
The parameter object contains the value data assigned to that parameter.
Public class ParameterElement
An Element that stores a user-defined parameter.
Public class ParameterFilterElement
Admits elements that satisfy two conditions:
  1. The element's category must be one of a certain set of allowed categories.
  2. The element must pass a series of filter rules.
Public class ParameterFilterRuleFactory
Contains functions that create appropriate FilterRule objects based on the parameters given.
Public class ParameterFilterUtilities
Contains static utility functions for enumerating the categories and parameters that are available for use by ParameterFilterElement objects.
Public class ParameterMap
A map that can contain a mapping of a parameter name (a String) to a parameter.
Public class ParameterMapIterator
An iterator to a map relating a parameter name (the key, a String) to a parameter.
Public class ParameterSet
A set that contains parameters.
Public class ParameterSetIterator
An iterator to a parameter set.
Public class ParameterValue
A class that holds a value of a parameter element.
Public class ParameterValuePresenceRule
Tests whether an element's parameter has a value or not.
Public class ParameterValueProvider
Gets the value of a parameter from any element passed to getStringValue, getDoubleValue, getIntegerValue, or getElementIdValue.
Public class Part
This element represents a part of another element.
Public class PartMaker
PartMaker is an element which takes some source elements (e.g., a wall with all its layers) and creates one or more Parts out of it. The logic according to which these Parts are created is non-trivial and PartMaker uses various PartMakerMethods which represents these logics. This element manages the strategy to make Part elements for one or more original elements.
Public class PartMakerMethodToDivideVolumes
By-References dividing strategy used by PartMaker element. TODO_REFACTOR("LegacyMechanismOfMovingElements") returns true if - the Host Elements are not floors or walls - OR - the Host Elements that are referenced by this PartMaker are floors or walls - transformation has already been applied on those Host Elements
Public class PartUtils
General Part utility methods
Public class Path3d
Provides access to the Generic 3D path object in Autodesk Revit.
Public class PerformanceAdviser
The tool to report performance problems in a given document.
Public class PerformanceAdviserRuleId
The unique identifier of a PerformanceAdviserRule
Public class PerformanceAdviserRules
Provides a container of all Revit built-in PerformanceAdviserRuleId instances.
Public class Phase
Represents a phase in the life of a building.
Public class PhaseArray
An array that contains phase objects.
Public class PhaseArrayIterator
An iterator to a phase array.
Public class PhaseFilter
Represents an phase filter within Autodesk Revit.
Public class PlanarFace
A bounded face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class PlanCircuit
An object that represents an enclosed area in a plan view within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class PlanCircuitSet
A set that can contain any number of plan circuit objects.
Public class PlanCircuitSetIterator
An iterator to a set of plan circuit objects.
Public class Plane
A Planar surface.
Public class PlanTopology
An object that represents a Plan Topology within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class PlanTopologySet
A set that can contain any number of plan topology objects.
Public class PlanTopologySetIterator
An iterator to a set of plan topology objects.
Public class PlanViewRange
This class represents the view range of a plan view or a plan region. It records the element ids of the levels which a plane is relative to and the offset of each plane from that level.
Public class Point
A 3D point.
Public class PointCloudInstance
Represents a single instance of a point cloud in the Revit document.
Public class PointCloudType
Represents a type of point cloud loaded into a Revit document. Each PointCloudType maps to a single file or identifier (depending upon the type of Point Cloud Engine which governs it).
Public class PointElementReference
Base class for objects defining a way to constrain a ReferencePoint to one or more other objects in a document.
Public class PointLocationOnCurve
Defines the measurement parameters necessary to create a point at a specific location on a curve.
Public class PointNode
An output node that represents a 3D point.
Public class PointOnEdge
Define a ReferencePoint relative to a referenceable edge or curve on another element.
Public class PointOnEdgeEdgeIntersection
Define a ReferencePoint at the intersection of two referenceable lines.
Public class PointOnEdgeFaceIntersection
Define a ReferencePoint at the intersection of a referenceable edge or curve and a referenceable face.
Public class PointOnFace
Define a ReferencePoint relative to a Face.
Public class PointOnPlane
Define a ReferencePoint relative to a planar reference.
Public class PointRelativeToPoint
Represents a point placed relative to another point.
Public class PolyLine
A polyline.
Public class PolylineNode
An output node that represents a 3D polyline.
Public class PolylineSegments
An output node that represents a tessellated polyline segments.
Public class PolymeshFacet
A class representing one triangular piece - a facet - in a polymesh topology.
Public class PolymeshTopology
A class representing topology of a polymesh.
Public class PrimaryDesignOptionMemberFilter
A filter used to find elements contained in any primary design option of any design option set.
Public class PrimarySizeCriterion
This class contains a size criterion for a RoutingPreferenceRule.
Public class PrintManager
The PrintManager object is used to configure the global print settings.
Public class PrintParameters
An object that contains settings used for printing the document.
Public class PrintSetting
Represents the Print Setup (Application Menu->Print->Print Setup) within Autodesk Revit.
Public class PrintSetup
Represents the Print Setup (Application Menu->Print->Print Setup) within Autodesk Revit.
Public class Profile
A geometric profile consisting of a loop of curves.
Public class ProjectInfo
An object that represents a Project Information within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class ProjectLocation
A representation of a specific instance and location of the current project.
Public class ProjectLocationSet
An set that contains project locations.
Public class ProjectLocationSetIterator
An iterator to a project location set.
Public class ProjectPosition
ProjectPosition is a class used to represent a geographical offset and rotation. It can be used to represent the position of a project.
Public class PropertyLine
Represents kinds of PropertyLines.
Public class PropertySetElement
An element that groups together a set of related parameters.
Public class RadialArray
An object that represents an Array created along a circle arc within the Revit project.
Public class Rectangle
Stores a set of four integers that represent the left, top, right and bottom of a rectangle.
Public class Reference
A stable reference to a geometric object in a Revit model.
Public class ReferenceableViewUtils
Utilities related to reference views such as reference sections and reference callouts.
Public class ReferenceArray
An array that contains reference objects.
Public class ReferenceArrayArray
An array that contains ReferenceArray objects.
Public class ReferenceArrayArrayIterator
An iterator to a ReferenceArray array.
Public class ReferenceArrayIterator
An iterator to a reference array.
Public class ReferenceIntersector
A class used to find and return elements that intersect a ray created from an origin point and direction.
Public class ReferencePlane
Represents a reference plane of Autodesk Revit.
Public class ReferencePoint
A reference point in an Autodesk Revit family.
Public class ReferencePointArray
An array that contains reference objects.
Public class ReferencePointArrayIterator
An iterator to a reference array.
Public class ReferenceWithContext
An object including a reference to a geometric object and related context, as instance transform etc.
Public class RelinquishedItems
List of elements and worksets that were relinquished by the current user.
Public class RelinquishOptions
Options to control behavior of relinquishing ownership of elements and worksets.
Public class ReloadLatestOptions
Options to control behavior of pure reload latest (not part of synchronize with central).
Public class ReloadSwapOutInfo
This object contains information about fabrication parts swapped out during reload.
Public class RenderingImageExposureSettings
Represents the exposure settings of rendering.
Public class RenderingQualitySettings
Represents the quality settings of rendering.
Public class RenderingSettings
Represents the rendering settings for a 3d view.
Public class RenderNode
This is a base class representing a render node in a model-exporting process.
Public class RepeaterBounds
Represents bounds of the array of repeating references in 0, 1, or 2 dimensions. (See RepeatingReferenceSource ).
Public class RepeaterCoordinates
Represents coordinates in the array of repeating references in 0, 1, or 2 dimensions.
Public class RepeatingReferenceSource
Represents a collection of repeating references.
Public class Revision
Represents a single revision in the project.
Public class RevisionCloud
A RevisionCloud is a graphical "cloud" that can be displayed on a view or sheet to indicate where revisions in the model have occurred.
Public class RevisionSettings
Provides access to project-wide settings related to revisions.
Public class RevitLinkInstance
Represents an instance of a RevitLinkType.
Public class RevitLinkOperations
This class is used to extend the IExternalResourceServer interface with methods to support operations specifically related to Revit links.
Public class RevitLinkOptions
This class contains the options in use when creating or loading a Revit link.
Public class RevitLinkType
This class represents another Revit Document ("link") brought into the current one ("host").
Public class Revolution
A revolution solid or void form.
Public class RevolvedFace
A revolved face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class RevolvedSurface
A surface of revolution defined by a profile curve and a local coordinate system. The surface is obtained by rotating the curve around Z axis of the local coordinate system.
Public class RoofBase
Represents all kinds of Roofs.
Public class RoofType
Represents a specific type of roof.
Public class RoutingCondition
RoutingCondition represents routing information that is used as input when determining if a routing criterion, such as minimum or maximum diameter, is met.
Public class RoutingConditions
RoutingConditions contain routing information that is used as input when determining if a routing criterion, such as minimum or maximum diameter, is met.
Public class RoutingCriterionBase
RoutingCriteriaBase is the base class for all routing criteria.
Public class RoutingPreferenceManager
Manages default pipe segments, fittings, and selection criteria for a given MEPCurveType
Public class RoutingPreferenceRule
A class representing a rule set in MEP routing preferences.
Public class RPCNode
This is a class representing an RPC content in a model-exporting process.
Public class RuledFace
A ruled face of a 3d solid or open shell.
Public class RuledSurface
A ruled surface is created by sweeping a line between two profile curves or between a curve and a point (a point and a curve). Input curve(s) must be bounded or have natural bounds.
Public class SATExportOptions
The export options used by exporting SAT format file. So far, there is no option in it.
Public class SATImportOptions
The import options used to import SAT format files.
Public class SaveAsOptions
This class contains options available for saving a document to disk with a new filename.
Public class SaveOptions
This class contains options available for saving a document to disk.
Public class SchedulableField
A non-calculated field eligible to be included in a schedule.
Public class ScheduleDefinition
Settings that define the contents of a schedule.
Public class ScheduleField
A field in a schedule.
Public class ScheduleFieldId
The ScheduleFieldId object is used as a unique identification for a field in a schedule.
Public class ScheduleFilter
A filter in a schedule.
Public class ScheduleSheetInstance
An element that represents a particular placement of a schedule on a sheet.
Public class ScheduleSortGroupField
A field that is used for sorting and/or grouping in a schedule.
Public class Segment
This element represents a segment of an MEP curve object.
Public class SelectionFilterElement
A filter element that stores an explicit list of ElementIds. Only elements whose ElementIds are in this list will pass the filter.
Public class ServerPath
This class represents a path to a Revit Server location, rather than a location on disk or a network drive.
Public class Settings
The settings object provides access to general components of the Autodesk Revit application, such as Categories.
Public class ShapeBuilder
The base class for geometry builder classes.
Public class ShapeImporter
An utility class that supports conversion of geometry stored in an external format into a Revit geometry objects.
Public class SharedParameterApplicableRule
Tests whether an element supports a shared parameter.
Public class SharedParameterElement
An element that stores the definition of a shared parameter which is loaded into the document.
Public class SiteLocation
Contains the geographical location information for the project's site.
Public class Sketch
Provides access to the Sketch in Autodesk Revit.
Public class SketchBase
Provides access to the SketchBase in Autodesk Revit.
Public class SketchedStairsCurveData
Sketched run/landing curves overrides with height and slope
Public class SketchPlane
Represents a sketch plane or work plane.
Public class SKPImportOptions
The import options used to import SKP format files.
Public class SkyBackgroundSettings
Represents the rendering sky background settings.
Public class SlabEdge
An object that represents a slab edge within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class SlabEdgeType
An object that represents the slab edge type in Autodesk Revit.
Public class SlabShapeCrease
A crease used in Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeCreaseArray
An array that can contain any number of creases used in Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeCreaseArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of creases used for Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeEditor
An object used for Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeVertex
A vertex used in Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeVertexArray
An array that can contain any number of vertices used in Slab Shape Editing.
Public class SlabShapeVertexArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of vertices used for Slab Shape Editing.
Public class Solid
A 3d solid.
Public class SolidCurveIntersection
This class represents the results of a calculation of intersection between a solid volume and a curve.
Public class SolidCurveIntersectionOptions
This class contains the options used to calculate the intersection between a solid and a curve.
Public class SolidGeometryOptions
A class containing optional information to control the geometry generation of the Solid by the SolidUtils routines.
Public class SolidOptions
A class containing optional information to control the properties of the Solid generated by the GeometryCreationUtilities routines.
Public class SolidOrShellTessellationControls
Controls various aspects of the triangulation produced by [!:SolidUtils::tessellateSolidOrShell()] method.
Public class SolidSolidCutUtils
Exposes utilities which can cause one solid to cut another.
Public class SolidUtils
Contains utility functions for solid operations.
Public class SpacingRule
A rule for specifying a set of equidistant, parallel gridlines within a region.
Public class SpatialElement
Represents an enclosed area or volume in the Revit model. This is the parent class for rooms, spaces and areas.
Public class SpatialElementBoundaryOptions
Options that can be passed to a SpatialElementBoundaryCalculator to influence the results of the calculation.
Public class SpatialElementBoundarySubface
SpatialElementBoundarySubface represents the geometry boundary information of spatial element.
Public class SpatialElementCalculationLocation
The Spatial Element Calculation Location is used to specify the room/space where an element should be considered as placed.
Public class SpatialElementCalculationPoint
SpatialElementCalculationPoint is used as the search point for family instances placement inside rooms and spaces.
Public class SpatialElementFromToCalculationPoints
SpatialElementFromToCalculationPoints is used to specify the search points for a family instance which connects two rooms or spaces, such as a door or window. The points determine which room or space is considered the "from" and which is considered the "to".
Public class SpatialElementGeometryCalculator
Use this class to calculate the geometry of a spatial element and obtain the relationships between the geometry and the element's boundary elements.
Public class SpatialElementGeometryResults
The results of spatial element geometry calculation.
Public class SpatialElementTag
A tag attached to a SpatialElement (room, space or area) in Autodesk Revit.
Public class SpotDimension
An object that represents a spot dimension within the Revit project.
Public class SpotDimensionType
A type element containing the properties of a spot elevation.
Public class StairsEditScope
StairsEditScope allows user to maintain a stairs-editing session.
Public class StartingViewSettings
The initial view settings for a document dictate which view will initially be open when this model is opened. These settings are available for all Revit project documents.
Public class StdPostedWarning
Support for Reviewable Warnings sent from AddOn.
Public class StringParameterValue
A class that holds a String value of a parameter element.
Public class StructuralAsset
Represents the properties of a material pertinent to structural analysis.
Public class Subelement
An object that represents an element or a subelement within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public class SubTransaction
Sub-transactions are objects that provide control over a subset of changes in a document.
Public class SunAndShadowSettings
The SunAndShadowSettings class represents the sun control.
Public class Surface
A mathematical representation of a surface.
Public class Sweep
A sweep solid or void form.
Public class SweepProfile
Represents a profile for sweep or swept blend elements.
Public class SweptBlend
A swept blend solid or void form.
Public class SweptProfile
Represents an extruded profile swept along a driving curve.
Public class SymbolicCurve
A curve that provides information but is not intended to represent actual geometry in an element.
Public class SymbolicCurveArray
An array that contains model curves.
Public class SymbolicCurveArrayIterator
An iterator to a model curve array.
Public class SynchronizeWithCentralOptions
Options to control behavior of synchronization with central.
Public class TableCellCalculatedValueData
The TableCellCalculatedValueData stores the data for calculated value
Public class TableCellCombinedParameterData
The TableCellCombinedParameterData stores the data for combined parameters
Public class TableCellStyle
The TableCellStyle class contains the appearance settings for a given table cell, column, or table.
Public class TableCellStyleOverrideOptions
This helper class represents the overridden characteristics of the associated cell.
Public class TableData
The TableData class is implemented to hold most of the data that describe the style of the rows, columns, and cells in a table.
Public class TableMergedCell
The TableMergedCell class defines a merged area of the upper-left and lower-right of a table grid.
Public class TableSectionData
The TableSectionData class represents a serialized version of an instance of section table data. The class holds row, column and cell data.
Public class TableView
This represents a view that shows a table. Most of the layout data for the table is contained in the TableData class.
Public class TemporaryViewModes
A data structure containing data related to temporary view modes.
Public class TessellatedBuildIssue
Types of issues encountered while constructing geometrical objects from the tessellated face sets.
Public class TessellatedFace
Defines a planar face bounded by a polyline in 3d space. A face consists of a single connected component and can have holes.
Public class TessellatedShapeBuilder
A class that permits structured building of geometry or a mesh from a collection of connected faces. Contains all closed face sets and custom precisions.
Public class TessellatedShapeBuilderResult
Describes what TessellatedShapeBuilder has construct.
Public class TextElement
Base class representing text elements in Revit.
Public class TextElementType
An object that represents a text style.
Public class TextNode
This is a class representing a text annotation object in a model-exporting process.
Public class TextNote
A class representing text note annotations in Revit.
Public class TextNoteOptions
Options to use when creating a new text note element.
Public class TextNoteType
An object that represents a text note style.
Public class TextRange
An object that is used to identify a range of characters in a FormattedText .
Public class ThermalAsset
Represents the properties of a material pertinent to energy analysis.
Public class ThermalProperties
Class specific to thermal properties for assembly types, such as Wall, Floor, Ceiling, Roof and Building Pad.
Public class TilePattern
An object representing a tile pattern that may be applied to a DividedSurface.
Public class TilePatterns
The TilePatterns object is an interface for retrieving the TilePattern objects within the Document.
Public class Transaction
Transactions are context-like objects that guard any changes made to a Revit model
Public class TransactionGroup
Transaction groups aggregate a number of transactions.
Public class TransactWithCentralOptions
Options to customize Revit behavior when accessing the central model.
Public class Transform
A transformation of the affine 3-space.
Public class TransmissionData
A class representing information on all external file references in a document.
Public class TriangleInShellComponent
This class represents a triangle in a TriangulatedShellComponent object. The triangle is defined by its vertices, which are specified by their indices in the TriangulatedShellComponent's array of vertices.
Public class TriangulatedShellComponent
This class represents a triangulated boundary component of a solid or a triangulated connected component of a shell.
Public class TriangulatedSolidOrShell
This class represents a triangulated solid or shell.
Public class TriangulationInterface
This abstract class provides an interface for querying a triangulation structure (vertices and triangles).
Public class TriangulationInterfaceForTriangulatedShellComponent
This class is used to call FacetingUtils::convertTrianglesToQuads with a triangulation defined by a TriangulatedShellComponent.
Public class TriangulationInterfaceForTriangulatedSolidOrShell
This class is used to call FacetingUtils::convertTrianglesToQuads with a triangulation defined by a TriangulatedSolidOrShell.
Public class TriOrQuadFacet
This class represents a triangle or quadrilateral in a faceted structure.
Public class TypeBinding
TypeBinding objects are used to bind a property to a Revit type, such as a wall type.
Public class UnitFormatUtils
A utility class for formatting and parsing numbers with units.
Public class Units
A document's default settings for formatting numbers with units.
Public class UnitUtils
A utility class of functions related to units.
Public class UpdaterData
Service class that is passed to an Updater to prove access to update execution context
Public class UpdaterId
A unique identifier of an Updater
Public class UpdaterInfo
Information of an updater, such as: Name, AdditionalInformation, name of the application that owns the updater, etc.
Public class UpdaterRegistry
An object that stores and manages all updaters registered in the current session.
Public class UV
Object representing coordinates in 2-dimensional space.
Public class ValueAtPointBase
A base class representing storage of values at a given point.
Public class ValueParsingOptions
Options for parsing strings into numbers with units.
Public class VertexIndexPair
Represents a connection between vertices in the top and bottom profile of a blend.
Public class VertexIndexPairArray
An array that contains VertexIndex pairs.
Public class VertexIndexPairArrayIterator
An iterator to an array of VertexIndex pairs.
Public class VertexPair
Indices of a pair of vertices in two CurveLoops(one vertex in each loop).
Public class View
Base class for all types of views in Autodesk Revit.
Public class View3D
Class for 3D views
Public class ViewCropRegionShapeManager
A class that provides access to settings related to the crop assigned to a view or a reference callout.
Public class ViewDisplayBackground
Set of values that control how background is drawn in a view. Background can only be set for a 3d view or for a section or elevation view.
Public class ViewDisplayDepthCueing
Represents the settings for depth cueing.
Public class ViewDisplayModel
Represents the settings for displaying model graphics. version 2: m_showHiddenLines type changed bool -> ShowHiddenLinesValues::Enum
Public class ViewDisplaySketchyLines
Represents the settings for sketchy lines.
Public class ViewDrafting
ViewDrafting represents a drafting view within the model.
Public class ViewFamilyType
Represents a type of a Revit view.
Public class ViewNavigationToolSettings
Represents the settings contained in the document associated to the View Navigation tools (such as the View Cube).
Public class ViewNode
A render node that represents a view.
Public class ViewOrientation3D
Container for the point and vectors which define View3D's orientation.
Public class ViewPlan
Represents floor plan, area plan, ceiling plan, and structural plan views in Revit.
Public class Viewport
An element that establishes the placement of a view on a sheet.
Public class ViewSchedule
A schedule view.
Public class ViewScheduleExportOptions
The export options used to export schedule views.
Public class ViewSection
ViewSection covers sections, details, elevations, and callouts, all in their reference and non-reference variations.
Public class ViewSet
A set that contains views.
Public class ViewSetIterator
An iterator to a view set.
Public class ViewShapeBuilder
Builds and verifies a view-specific shape representation that would typically be stored in a DirectShape object. Currently limited to curve-based representations for plan and elevation views.
Public class ViewSheet
Class for ViewSheet
Public class ViewSheetSet
Represents ViewSheetSets stored in a document. ViewSheetSets can be stored so that the same printing task can be executed multiple times.
Public class ViewSheetSetting
Represents the View/Sheet Set (Application Menu->Print) within Autodesk Revit.
Public class Wall
Represents a wall in Autodesk Revit.
Public class WallFoundation
An object that represents a wall foundation element.
Public class WallFoundationType
An object that represents the type of a wall foundation in Autodesk Revit.
Public class WallSweep
Represents a wall sweep or reveal.
Public class WallSweepInfo
Represents a wall sweep or reveal of a vertically compound structure.
Public class WallType
Represents a specific type of wall, such as 'Generic -8" '.
Public class WallUtils
General Wall utility methods
Public class WireframeBuilder
Constructs a shape representation consisting of points and curves. That shape would typically be stored in a DirectShape or a DirectShapeType object.
Public class Workset
Represents a workset in the document.
Public class WorksetConfiguration
A configuration class that is passed in to methods that open Revit documents to specify which user-created worksets are opened/closed.
Public class WorksetDefaultVisibilitySettings
An object that manages default visibility of worksets in a document.
Public class WorksetFilter
A base class for a type of filter that accepts or rejects worksets based upon criteria.
Public class WorksetId
WorksetId identifies a workset within a single document.
Public class WorksetKindFilter
A filter used to match worksets of the given WorksetKind.
Public class WorksetPreview
Represents an accessor for workset data which can be obtained from an unopened document.
Public class WorksetTable
A table containing references to all the worksets contained in a document.
Public class WorksharingDisplayGraphicSettings
Represents the graphical settings that can be assigned to elements in the worksharing display modes.
Public class WorksharingDisplaySettings
WorksharingDisplaySettings controls how elements will appear when they are displayed in any of the worksharing display modes.
Public class WorksharingSaveAsOptions
This class contains options specific to worksharing SaveAs.
Public class WorksharingTooltipInfo
Worksharing information about a single element suitable for display in an in-canvas tooltip.
Public class WorksharingUtils
A static class that contains utility functions related to worksharing.
Public class XYZ
Object representing coordinates in 3-dimensional space.


Structure Description
Public structure GridNode
A structure that represents a particular location in (U,V) from a grid.


Interface Description
Public interface ICentralLockedCallback
An interface that may be used to control Revit's behavior when it tries to lock central and is blocked because another user already has locked central.
Public interface IConnector
An interface which provides access to connector in Autodesk Revit MEP document.
Public interface IDataConversionMonitor
A base class for an application-specific logger. It should be used to track errors during conversion and/or , track conversion progress, cancel a conversion process if necessary. Implementing a logger class is optional, but highly recommended for all but most basic data converters. The base class is UI- and language-independent. It is up to the using app to implement UI. Language-specifc data may be used to communicate information to application users. English should be used to communicate data of interest to Revit development.
Public interface IDuplicateTypeNamesHandler
An interface for custom handlers of duplicate type names encountered during a paste operation. When the destination document contains types that have the same names as the types being copied, but different internals, a decision must be made on how to proceed - whether to cancel the operation or continue, but only copy types with unique names.
Public interface IExportContext
An interface that is used in custom export to process a Revit model.
Public interface IExportContext2D
An interface that is used in custom export to export 2D views of a Revit model.
Public interface IExportContextBase
An interface that as common base for IModelExportContext and IExportContext2D.
Public interface IExtension
An interface that supports the additional operation for Extension Status
Public interface IExternalDBApplication
An interface that supports addition of DB-level external applications to Revit, to subscribe to DB-level events and updaters.
Public interface IExternalResourceServer
The interface used to provide custom implementation to provide access to external resources (such as linked files) from arbitrary locations.
Public interface IFailuresPreprocessor
An interface that may be used to perform a preprocessing step to either filter out anticipated transaction failures or to mark certain failures as non-continuable.
Public interface IFailuresProcessor
To create your own UI or fully automated tool to process Revit Failures, derive a class from this interface.
Public interface IFamilyLoadOptions
An interface class which provide the callback for family load options.
Public interface IGetLocalPathForOpenCallback
The interface used to provide custom support for the "Open (and Unload)" command for Revit Links obtained as external resources.
Public interface IModelExportContext
An interface that is used in custom export to export 3D views of a Revit model.
Public interface INavisworksExporter
The interface used to implement a Navisworks exporter.
Public interface IOnLocalLinkSharedCoordinatesSavedCallback
A callback for notifying an IExternalResourceServer that shared coordinates changes have been saved back to one of the Revit or DWG links provided by that server.
Public interface IOpenFromCloudCallback
An interface that may be used to control Revit's behavior when opening a cloud model.
Public interface IPerformanceAdviserRule
Base class to derive specific performance adviser rules from.
Public interface IPhotoRenderContext
An interface that is used in custom export to render 3D views of a Revit model.
Public interface IPrintSetting
An interface which represents the Print Setup (Application Menu->Print->Print Setup) within Autodesk Revit.
Public interface ISaveSharedCoordinatesCallback
An interface that may be used to control Revit when trying to unload or reload a Revit link with changes in shared coordinates.
Public interface ISaveSharedCoordinatesCallbackForUnloadLocally
An interface that is used to control Revit when trying to unload locally a Revit link with changes in shared coordinates.
Public interface ITransactionFinalizer
An interface that may be used to perform a custom action at the end of a transaction. A method of the interface will be called when a transaction is either committed or rolled back.
Public interface ITransientElementMaker
The interface to be implemented by an application that creates transient element(s) in Revit.
Public interface IUpdater
The interface used to create an updater capable of reacting to changes in the Revit model.
Public interface IViewSheetSet
This interface represents a selected set of views/sheets which will be used for printing.


Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ACADVersion
An enumerated type listing available AutoCAD versions, into which a file may be exported.
Public enumeration ACAObjectPreference
An enumerated type listing possible ways to generate geometry of an ACA object Revit object parameters used to generate geometry of the exported ACA object. Revit object geometry is used to generate geometry of the exported ACA object. That may produce better geometric fidelity in some cases.
Public enumeration AdaptivePointConstraintType
An enumerated type containing possible constraint types for Adaptive Points.
Public enumeration AdaptivePointOrientationType
An enumerated type containing possible orientation types for Adaptive Points.
Public enumeration AdaptivePointType
An enumerated type containing possible types for Adaptive Points.
Public enumeration AllowedValues
A range of allowed values.
Public enumeration AlternateUnits
An enumerated type listing the locations where Alternate units may be displayed in dimensions.
Public enumeration AnalyzesAsType
This enum class is used for the BuiltInParameter STRUCTURAL_ANALYZES_AS.
Public enumeration AreaElemType
An enumerated type to store type of AreaElement.
Public enumeration ArrayAnchorMember
Represents the possible choices for how the translation or rotation is used to place each member of the array.
Public enumeration AssemblyDetailViewOrientation
Orientation of the Assembly Detail View.
Public enumeration AttachmentType
Enum determining whether a link is an attachment or an overlay
Public enumeration AutomaticConnectionBehaviorType
Defines behavior of connector with respect to automatic creation of connections
Public enumeration BackgroundImageFit
Indicates the background image fit type in rendering settings.
Public enumeration BackgroundStyle
Indicates the background style in rendering settings.
Public enumeration BaseLoadOn
An enumerated type listing all the possible power load use types for a space object.
Public enumeration BeamSystemJustifyType
Describes the justify method of beamsystem.
Public enumeration BehaviorType
An enumerated type listing all the behavior type for MEP Components.
Public enumeration BooleanOperationsType
An enumerated type listing boolean types that are supported for boolean operation.
Public enumeration BorderTile
Options for controlling tiles that overlap the face boundary. See DividedSurface .
Public enumeration BoxPlacement
An enumerated type containing possible constraint types for Adaptive Points.
Public enumeration BRepBuilderOutcome
This class defines possible outcomes returned by BRepBuilder functions that need to report outcome via a return value.
Public enumeration BRepBuilderState
This class defines an enumerative type used to specify the state of a BRepBuilder object.
Public enumeration BRepType
This class defines an enumerative type used to specify the type of output geometry expected from a BRepBuilder.
Public enumeration BrowserOrganizationType
Enumerated type representing the type of browser organization.
Public enumeration BuildingType
An enumerated type listing all of the built-in parameter groups supported by Autodesk Revit.
Public enumeration BuiltInCategory
A list of all the built in categories within Revit.
Public enumeration BuiltInParameter
An enumerated type listing all of the built-in parameter IDs supported by Autodesk Revit.
Public enumeration BuiltInParameterGroup
An enumerated type listing all of the built-in parameter groups supported by Autodesk Revit.
Public enumeration CategoryType
The type of category.
Public enumeration CellType
Declares the cell data type.
Public enumeration ChangePriority
Enum used to specify the priority of an Updater during execution.
Public enumeration CheckoutStatus
Indicates the ownership status of an element
Public enumeration ColorDepthType
An enumerated type listing all Color Depth types of Print Setting.
Public enumeration ColumnAttachmentCutStyle
Control the handling of columns that intersect their targets.
Public enumeration ColumnAttachmentJustification
Control the column extent in cases where the target is not a uniform height.
Public enumeration ComponentRotation
ComponentRotation property of DividedSurface. See DividedSurface .
Public enumeration CompoundStructureError
When CompoundStructure::isValid() returns false, it uses these values to indicate precise nature of defect.
Public enumeration ConnectionResolution
An enumerated type listing all the possible resolutions for connectivity validation.
Public enumeration ConnectionWarning
An enumerated type listing all the reasons for connectivity failure.
Public enumeration ConnectorDomainType
Type of connector domain.
Public enumeration ConnectorGenderType
Connector gender type enum
Public enumeration ConnectorJointType
Connector joint type enum
Public enumeration ConnectorProfileType
An enumerated type listing all connector profile types
Public enumeration ConnectorType
An enumerated type listing all connector types for a connection
Public enumeration ControlShape
An enumerated type listing four shapes of control that Autodesk Revit supports.
Public enumeration CoordinatePlaneVisibility
Visibility settings for ReferencePoint element's coordinate reference planes.
Public enumeration CurtainGridAlignType
An enumerated to list CurtainGrid patterns.
Public enumeration CurveElementType
An enumerated type listing the curve element types that can be used when filtering elements (via CurveElementFilter).
Public enumeration CurveProjectionType
This attribute indicates how the curve will be projected to the surface if the curve is sketched on the surface.
Public enumeration CutFailureReason
The reason why a solid-solid cut cannot be created.
Public enumeration DataExchangeMessageId
Predefined message ids for DataExchangeLog.
Public enumeration DataExchangeMessageSeverity
Error levels for DataExchangeLog
Public enumeration DataExchangeMessageVerbosity
Predefined verbosity levels for DataExchangeLog
Public enumeration DatumEnds
An enumerated type representing ends of a datum plane.
Public enumeration DatumExtentType
Represents the type of datum extent that is displayed in a particular view.
Public enumeration DecimalSymbol
The symbol used to separate the integer and fractional parts of a number.
Public enumeration DetachFromCentralOption
Options for workset detachment behavior.
Public enumeration DGNFileFormat
An enumerated type listing available Microstation versions into which a file may be exported.
Public enumeration DigitGroupingAmount
The number of digits in each group when numbers are formatted with digit grouping.
Public enumeration DigitGroupingSymbol
The symbol used to separate groups of digits when numbers are formatted with digit grouping.
Public enumeration DimensionShape
An enumerated type to list dimension type.
Public enumeration DimensionStyleType
An enumerated type containing possible style types of dimensions.
Public enumeration DirectShapeReferencingOption
An enumerated type containing possible referencing options for DirectShapes.
Public enumeration DirectShapeRoomBoundingOption
An enumerated type containing possible room bounding settings for DirectShapes.
Public enumeration DirectShapeTargetViewType
View types for which DirectShape objects are allowed to have alternative shape representations
Public enumeration DisplacementPathStyle
Used to control the graphical representation of a DisplacementPath element.
Public enumeration DisplayStyle
Display type of the view.
Public enumeration DisplayUnit
Describes the type of Revit display unit, metric or imperial.
Public enumeration DisplayUnitType
The units and display format used to format numbers as strings. Also used for unit conversions.
Public enumeration DistanceMeasuredFrom
Indicates if the distance is measured from the top or bottom of the wall.
Public enumeration DistributionOfNormals
An enumeration containing the choices of how normal vectors are assigned and distributed along the surface of a polymesh. Planar faces would typically have only normal vector associated, but curved faces can have a different normal either for each facet (triangle) or each point of the tessellated polymesh.
Public enumeration DividedPathMeasurementType
DividedPath measurement type.
Public enumeration DocumentType
Types of Revit documents.
Public enumeration Domain
Type of connector domain.
Public enumeration DoorEvacuationExitType
An enumerated type listing the possible door evacuation types
Public enumeration DrawLayer
An enumerated type containing possible DrawLayer options.
Public enumeration DuplicateTypeAction
This enumerated type defines the action to be taken when there are types with the same name being pasted.
Public enumeration DWFImageFormat
An enumerated type listing possible image format for DWF Export.
Public enumeration DWFImageQuality
An enumerated type listing possible image quality for DWF Export.
Public enumeration EaveCutterType
An enumerated type to store type of EaveCutter.
Public enumeration ElementOnPhaseStatus
The statuses that an element can have with respect to a given phase.
Public enumeration ElementReferenceType
Element reference types.
Public enumeration ElementTypeGroup
The element type group.
Public enumeration EndCapCondition
Used by CompoundStructure to describe which shell layers participate in end wrapping.
Public enumeration ExportColorMode
An enumerated type listing export color mode.
Public enumeration ExportColumnHeaders
Options for exporting column headers in schedule view export.
Public enumeration ExportEnergyModelType
This enum is used to define if energy model used for gbXML export should be based on rooms/spaces or building elements.
Public enumeration ExportPaperFormat
Paper formats supported by DWF export
Public enumeration ExportRange
This enum is used to define what view, part of the view, or list of views will be exported.
Public enumeration ExportSheetType
An enumerated type listing possible Sheet type.
Public enumeration ExportTextQualifier
Options for the text qualifier character in schedule view export.
Public enumeration ExportUnit
An enumerated type listing possible target units for CAD Export.
Public enumeration ExternalDBApplicationResult
Informs Autodesk Revit of the status of your external db application after execution.
Public enumeration ExternalFileReferenceType
Enum class indicating kinds of external file references
Public enumeration ExternalResourceLoadStatus
A flag to indicate the status of an ExternalResource load request.
Public enumeration ExternalResourceUIBrowseResultType
Describes the type of external resource browsing result.
Public enumeration ExtrusionAnalyzerFaceAlignment
Indicates whether a face of the solid analyzed by ExtrusionAnalyzer is fully aligned, partially aligned, or unaligned with faces of the extrusion.
Public enumeration FabricationDimensionType
Fabrication dimension type.
Public enumeration FabricationDimensionUnitType
Fabrication dimension unit type.
Public enumeration FaceIntersectionFaceResult
An enumerated type listing the possible results of a face-face intersection calculation.
Public enumeration FailureProcessingResult
An enumerated type representing the result achieved by any of the available types of failure handlers: FailuresPreprocessor, the handler of FailuresProcessing event or a FailuresProcessor.
Public enumeration FailureResolutionType
Enumeration to classify FailureResolutions by nature of operation they perform on failing Elements.
Public enumeration FailureSeverity
Enum represents severity of a failure.
Public enumeration FamilyElementVisibilityType
Indicates the Visibility type of generic forms.
Public enumeration FamilyHostingBehavior
Types of hosts into/onto which a family can be hosted. For informative purposes only. Does not affect anything in Revit!
Public enumeration FamilyInstanceReferenceType
Corresponds to the possible values of parameter "Is Reference" of reference planes and parameter "Reference" of reference lines in families. This enum is used to identify references of family instances corresponding to reference planes and reference lines in the family.
Public enumeration FamilyPlacementType
The type of placement required for a given family.
Public enumeration FamilySizeTableErrorType
The set of errors that can be returned when importing a FamilySizeTable from a CSV file.
Public enumeration FamilySource
Describes which version of the family to be loaded.
Public enumeration FillPatternHostOrientation
The types of orientations for fill patterns.
Public enumeration FillPatternTarget
The type of the fill pattern.
Public enumeration FindReferenceTarget
The type of reference to find from a ReferenceIntersector.
Public enumeration FitDirectionType
This enum is used to define the direction to fit the number of pixels defined by PixelSize.
Public enumeration FittingAndAccessoryCalculationType
The MEP fitting and accessory pressure drop calculation type.
Public enumeration FittingAngleUsage
An enumerated type representing the options for how to limit the angle values applicable to fitting content.
Public enumeration FloorFace
An enumerated type listing floor face types (top or bottom)
Public enumeration FlowDirectionType
An enumerated type listing direction types for a connector.
Public enumeration FormatStatus
An enumerated type indicating the formatting status of a range of characters in FormattedText
Public enumeration GraphicsStyleType
Describes the type of graphics style.
Public enumeration GridNodeLocation
Location of a grid node relative to the face boundary. See DividedSurface .
Public enumeration GridSegmentDirection
Specify one of the four adjacent segments to a GridNode. See DividedSurface .
Public enumeration HiddenLineViewsType
An enumerated type listing all Hidden Line Views types of Print Setting.
Public enumeration HorizontalAlign
Horizontal alignment of model text.
Public enumeration HorizontalAlignmentStyle
Declares the horizontal alignment style of font.
Public enumeration HorizontalTextAlignment
Supported types of horizontal alignment of a text element and text justification within the text containing box.
Public enumeration IFCVersion
An enumerated type listing available IFC file versions into which a file may be exported.
Public enumeration ImageFileType
This enum is used to define exported file type.
Public enumeration ImageResolution
This enum is used to define image resolution in order to calculate the image size.
Public enumeration ImageTypeLoadedStatus
Indicates the current state of the contents of the ImageType.
Public enumeration ImportColorMode
An enumerated type listing how colors are handled in an import process.
Public enumeration ImportExportFileFormat
Describes formats supported by import / export.
Public enumeration ImportPlacement
An enumerated type listing possible placement modes for imported drawings.
Public enumeration ImportUnit
An enumerated type listing possible target units for CAD Import.
Public enumeration JoinType
The type of join at the end of an element. The join type affects only the graphic treatment, i.e. cleaning of the end, not the physical join behavior.
Public enumeration JunctionType
An enumerated type listing all the junction types for MEP curve types.
Public enumeration KeyBasedTreeEntryErrorType
An Enum indicating the type of error associated with a KeyBasedTreeEntry.
Public enumeration LabelType
The label type in dimension equality formats.
Public enumeration LayerCategoryType
An enumerated type listing category types supported in an ExportLayerTable.
Public enumeration LeaderAtachement
Supported types of vertical attachments of a leader to a text note.
Public enumeration LeaderEndCondition
An enumerated type listing Leader end conditions that are supported for IndependentTags.
Public enumeration LeaderShape
Supported geometric shapes of annotation leaders.
Public enumeration LightAndMaterialAccuracyMode
An enumerated type containing possible Light and Material Accuracy modes for Raytracer render.
Public enumeration LightingSource
Indicates the lighting scheme type in rendering settings.
Public enumeration LinePatternSegmentType
Represents the type of a line pattern segment.
Public enumeration LineScaling
An enumerated type listing possible LineType scaling modes.
Public enumeration LinkedFileStatus
Enum displaying the loaded status of a linked file
Public enumeration LinkLoadResultType
Enum listing the possible results after loading a linked model.
Public enumeration ListType
An enumerated type indicating the style of list item for paragraphs that are part of ordered or unordered lists in FormattedText .
Public enumeration LoadOperationType
An enum indicating whether a resource load operation was triggered by a user action or an automatic process.
Public enumeration MarginType
An enumerated type listing all Margin types of Print Setting.
Public enumeration MassDisplayTemporaryOverrideType
This enum identifies the mass display overrides.
Public enumeration MaterialAspect
A list of all material aspects that a material can store PropertySetElements for.
Public enumeration MaterialFunctionAssignment
Used in class CompoundStructure to specify the function of a layer.
Public enumeration MaterialPropertyPathType
Enum class indicating kinds of paths which ExternalFileReferenceType.Material references can have.
Public enumeration MEPSystemClassification
This enumeration is used to classify MEP connectors and systems and drives certain behavior for a particular system type
Public enumeration MeshFromGeometryOperationIssue
Issues encountered while constructing meshes as fallbacks for geometrical operations.
Public enumeration ModelUpdatesStatus
Indicates whether an element in the current model has additional user changes in the central model.
Public enumeration ModifierType
An enumerated type listing options to appear in the exported layer name.
Public enumeration NavisworksCoordinates
An enumerated type listing possible Coordinates of Navisworks Exporter.
Public enumeration NavisworksExportScope
An enumerated type listing possible "Element Scopes" of Navisworks Exporter.
Public enumeration NavisworksParameters
An enumerated type listing possible "Parameter conversions" of Navisworks Exporter.
Public enumeration NumberSystemDisplayRule
The available options for display of numeric values in the number system.
Public enumeration NumberSystemJustifyOption
The available options for justification of the numbers in a number system.
Public enumeration OpenConflictResult
The result of the open conflict.
Public enumeration OpenConflictScenario
The kinds of conflicts happened during open.
Public enumeration OpenForeignOption
Options for opening files saved by an application that was not developed or licensed by Autodesk.
Public enumeration OpeningWrappingCondition
Used by CompoundStructure to describe which shell layers participate in wrapping at openings.
Public enumeration OrdinateDimensionLineStyle
The ordinate dimension line style.
Public enumeration OrdinateOriginVisibility
The ordinate origin visibility.
Public enumeration OrdinateTextOrientation
The ordinate dimension text orientation.
Public enumeration OrdinateTextPosition
The ordinate dimension text position.
Public enumeration OverridePermissions
Types of overrides that can be applied to a category.
Public enumeration PageOrientationType
An enumerated type listing all Page Orientation types of Print Setting.
Public enumeration PaperPlacementType
An enumerated type listing all Paper Placement types of Print Setting.
Public enumeration ParametersOrder
The order of the parameters.
Public enumeration ParameterType
An enumerated type listing all of the data type interpretation that Autodesk Revit supports.
Public enumeration PartEdgeConditionOrientation
Relative orientation of the right/lower and left/upper edge condition profiles.
Public enumeration PartsVisibility
Indicates the visibility of parts for the view.
Public enumeration PartType
An enumerated type listing all MEP family part types. A part type typically provides one unique set of type parameters that defines this part.
Public enumeration PathType
Enum determining what kind of path a given external file reference path is. Paths are valid for all types of external file references unless otherwise specified.
Public enumeration PhaseStatusPresentation
An enumerated type listing the options for element display in a phase filter.
Public enumeration PlanViewDirection
This enumerated type represents the possible directions for a plan view.
Public enumeration PlanViewPlane
Locations where view range offsets can be specified.
Public enumeration PlanViewRangeError
Describes errors in the location of planes in a PlanViewRange object.
Public enumeration PlanViewRangeLevel
An enumerated type representing the options for seting the range for a plan view.
Public enumeration PointCloudColorMode
Color mode of a point cloud or part of a point cloud
Public enumeration PointCloudFoundStatus
Enumerated type representing the possible states related to searching for a point cloud file.
Public enumeration PointOnCurveMeasureFrom
Point on curve MeasureFrom - It tells from which end of the host curve the point location is measured.
Public enumeration PointOnCurveMeasurementType
Point on curve measurement type Defines the types of measurements that may be used when placing a point at a designated distance along a curve.
Public enumeration PreferredJunctionType
Enumerated type representing the possible options for the preferred junction for a routine preference rule.
Public enumeration PreviewFamilyVisibilityMode
Modes that control visibility of family elements depending on the currently applied Element Visibility Settings of a view.
Public enumeration PrinterResolution
Controls the resolution level in rendering settings.
Public enumeration PrintRange
An enumerated type listing all Print Range types of Print.
Public enumeration ProfileFamilyUsage
An enumerated type listing all types of profile families.
Public enumeration ProfilePlaneLocation
Indicates the location of Sweep profile plane on the path curve.
Public enumeration PropOverrideMode
An enumerated type listing ways how overridden object styles get exported.
Public enumeration RasterQualityType
An enumerated type listing the options for raster quality.
Public enumeration RectangularGridSegmentOrientation
The orientation type of rectangular grid segment.
Public enumeration ReferenceType
Reference types of curve element.
Public enumeration RenderDuration
An enumerated type containing possible duration types to do Raytracer render.
Public enumeration RenderingQuality
Indicates the rendering quality in rendering settings.
Public enumeration RenderNodeAction
Enumerated actions for processing a render node during custom export.
Public enumeration ResolutionTarget
Indicates the resolution target(Screen or Printer) used for rendering settings.
Public enumeration ResourceVersionStatus
An enum indicating whether a resource is current or out of date.
Public enumeration RevisionNumbering
The options for how revision numbers should be displayed on sheets within a project.
Public enumeration RevisionNumberType
Determines how a particular revision will be numbered.
Public enumeration RevisionVisibility
Determines whether Revision Clouds and Revision Tags will be visible in the project.
Public enumeration RoundingMethod
Rounding methods
Public enumeration RoutingPreferenceErrorLevel
An enumerated type listing the options for posting errors or warnings when routing preferences are not satisfied.
Public enumeration RoutingPreferenceRuleGroupType
Add more rule group type here.
Public enumeration SaveModifiedLinksOptions
Class giving options when saving linked files which have been modified in-memory by shared coordinates operations.
Public enumeration SaveModifiedLinksOptionsForUnloadLocally
Class giving options when saving linked files which are unloaded locally and have been modified in-memory by shared coordinates operations.
Public enumeration ScheduleFieldDisplayType
Display type of schedule field.
Public enumeration ScheduleFieldType
The type of data displayed in a schedule field.
Public enumeration ScheduleFilterType
Type of schedule filter.
Public enumeration ScheduleHeadingOrientation
Orientation of schedule heading.
Public enumeration ScheduleHorizontalAlignment
Horizontal alignment of data in a schedule.
Public enumeration ScheduleSortOrder
Options for sort order of rows in a schedule.
Public enumeration SectionType
Declares the section data type.
Public enumeration SelectionFilterAction
An enumerated type containing the type of actions that may be taken with a selection filter applied to a point cloud.
Public enumeration ServiceType
An enumerated type listing all of the built-in parameter groups supported by Autodesk Revit.
Public enumeration SetComparisonResult
An enumerated type listing all the relationship types between two sets of arbitrary nature.
Public enumeration ShapeImporterSourceFormat
An enumerated type listing the possible formats supported by the Shapeimporter.
Public enumeration ShellLayerType
Used to distinguish exterior and interior shell layers.
Public enumeration ShowHiddenLinesValues
Provides options for display of hidden lines in a given view.
Public enumeration SimpleWorksetConfiguration
Indicates the set of user-created worksets to open in memory
Public enumeration SlabShapeCreaseType
An enumerated type listing all Crease types of Slab Shape Edit.
Public enumeration SlabShapeVertexType
An enumerated type listing all Vertex types of Slab Shape Edit.
Public enumeration SlantedOrVerticalColumnType
This enum class is used for the BuiltInParameter SLANTED_COLUMN_TYPE_PARAM.
Public enumeration SolidCurveIntersectionMode
Represents the types of results available for calculating the intersection between a solid and a curve.
Public enumeration SolidGeometry
An enumerated type listing possible ways of exporting solids in 3D views.
Public enumeration SortingOrder
Enumerated type representing the sorting order of a collection of objects.
Public enumeration SpacingRuleJustification
Justification property of spacing rule
Public enumeration SpacingRuleLayout
Rules for laying out a series of equidistant points or parallel lines
Public enumeration SpatialElementBoundaryLocation
An enumerated type listing boundary options of spatial element geometry calculation.
Public enumeration SpatialElementTagOrientation
An enumerated type listing tag orientation options that are supported by SpatialElementTags.
Public enumeration SpatialElementType
An enumerated type listing types of spaces.
Public enumeration SpecialType
An enumerated type listing special types that can appear in an ExportLayerTable . These types do not represent an independent category in Revit, but can be mapped to specific layers on export.
Public enumeration StickSymbolLocation
Indicates the stick symbol location on the UI, which is used for the BuiltInParameter STRUCTURAL_STICK_SYMBOL_LOCATION.
Public enumeration StorageType
An enumerated type listing all of the internal parameter data storage types that Autodesk Revit supports.
Public enumeration StructDeckEmbeddingType
Used in class CompoundStructure to specify the usage of a layer whose function is StructuralDeck.
Public enumeration StructuralAssetClass
Represents the type of material described by a structural asset. This enum value is returned by Autodesk::Revit::DB::StructuralAsset::StructuralAssetClass.
Public enumeration StructuralBehavior
Specifies whether structural elements behave orthotropically, isotropically, or transverse-isotropically.
Public enumeration StructuralReleaseType
Type of structural release, which is used for the BuiltIn parameter STRUCTURAL_END_RELEASE_TYPE.
Public enumeration SubfaceType
Meaning of a subface's type.
Public enumeration SunAndShadowType
Sun study type enum of SunAndShadowSettings.
Public enumeration SunStudyTimeInterval
Time interval enum for a single or multi-day sun study.
Public enumeration TagMode
The modes of tag creation that are supported for IndependentTags.
Public enumeration TagOrientation
An enumerated type listing tag orientation options that are supported by IndependentTags.
Public enumeration TemporaryViewMode
Enumeration to represent the various temporary view modes a view can be in.
Public enumeration TessellatedBuildIssueType
Types of issues encountered while constructing geometrical objects from the tessellatted face sets.
Public enumeration TessellatedShapeBuilderFallback
Describes what TessellatedShapeBuilder function should do, if it cannot build a requested TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget .
Public enumeration TessellatedShapeBuilderOutcome
Describes the outcome of TessellatedShapeBuilder attempt to build geometrical objects.
Public enumeration TessellatedShapeBuilderTarget
Describes what TessellatedShapeBuilder should generate, if possible.
Public enumeration TextAlignFlags
An enumerated type listing all the Text align flags.
Public enumeration TextAlignMask
An enumerated type listing all the Text align mask.
Public enumeration TextBaselineStyle
Supported styles of text position relative to the normal baseline.
Public enumeration TextElementBackground
An enumerated type listing all the background mode for the built-in parameter TEXT_BACKGROUND.
Public enumeration TextListStyle
Supported styles of text list paragraphs.
Public enumeration TextNoteLeaderStyles
An enumerated type listing all the Leader styles.
Public enumeration TextNoteLeaderTypes
Types of text-note leaders
Public enumeration TextTreatment
An enumerated type listing possible text treatment modes.
Public enumeration ThermalMaterialType
Represents the thermal material type.
Public enumeration TilePatternsBuiltIn
Revit's built-in tile patterns. See TilePattern .
Public enumeration TransactionStatus
An enumerated type listing the possible statuses associated with a Transaction, TransactionGroup, or SubTransaction, or the result of a particular method call on one of those objects.
Public enumeration TransmittedModelOptions
Enum giving desired behavior when opening or saving a transmitted workshared model.
Public enumeration UnderlayOrientation
Indicates how elements in the underlay are viewed.
Public enumeration UnitGroup
A group of related unit types, primarily classified by discipline.
Public enumeration UnitSymbolType
The unit symbol displayed in the formatted string representation of a number to indicate the units of the value.
Public enumeration UnitSystem
A system of measurement: Metric or Imperial units.
Public enumeration UnitType
The type of physical quantity to be measured, for example length or force.
Public enumeration UVGridlineType
A choice between U-gridlines or V-gridlines of a divided surface U Gridlines V Gridlines
Public enumeration ValueAtPointFlags
Enumerated type containing flags related to the display on particular points. Enumerated type that stores bit values of flags that can be set at any domain point.
Public enumeration VerticalAlignmentStyle
Declares the vertical alignment style of font.
Public enumeration VerticalTextAlignment
Supported types of vertical alignment of a text element.
Public enumeration ViewDetailLevel
Detail level of the view
Public enumeration ViewDiscipline
Discipline of the view
Public enumeration ViewDisplayBackgroundImageFlags
A collection of bit flags that control how the background image is positioned in relation to the crop region (or the view boundary).
Public enumeration ViewDisplayBackgroundType
A collection of settings defining the type of the view background
Public enumeration ViewDisplayEdges
A collection of settings defining how visible edges are displayed
Public enumeration ViewDuplicateOption
Options for duplicating views
Public enumeration ViewFamily
An enumerated type that corresponds to the type of a Revit view.
Public enumeration ViewPlanType
An enumerated type listing plan view types.
Public enumeration ViewportRotation
Rotation of the viewport
Public enumeration ViewTemplateApplicationOption
Options for applying view templates
Public enumeration ViewType
An enumerated type listing available view types.
Public enumeration VirtualPrinterType
An enumerated to list Virtual Printer Types in Revit.
Public enumeration Visibility
Describes the visibility of a particular geometry object.
Public enumeration WallFunction
Indicates the function of a specified WallType, as specified in the parameter FUNCTION_PARAM on the WallType.
Public enumeration WallKind
Describes the fundamental type of wall, such as curtain wall or stacked wall.
Public enumeration WallLocationLine
This enumerated type represents the options for alignment of a wall's location line.
Public enumeration WallSide
Represents the possible sides of a wall where a sweep or reveal may be attached.
Public enumeration WallSweepType
Represents the possible types for methods affecting wall sweeps or reveals.
Public enumeration WorksetConfigurationOption
A collection of options used to initialize a WorksetConfiguration.
Public enumeration WorksetKind
Indicates one of the standard kinds of workset (as available in the UI).
Public enumeration WorksetVisibility
Indicates the visibility settings of a workset in a particular view.
Public enumeration WorksharingDisplayMode
Indicates which worksharing display mode a view is in.
Public enumeration ZoomFitType
This enum is used to define type of zoom.
Public enumeration ZoomType
An enumerated type listing all Zoom types of Print Setting.