FormattedText Members

The FormattedText type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method FormattedText
Creates a new default FormattedText object, which contains only a carriage return character and has no formatting.
Public method FormattedText(String)
Creates a new FormattedText object with unformatted text.


Name Description
Public method AsTextRange
Returns a TextRange object that represents the entire text.
Public method Dispose
Releases all resources used by the FormattedText
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method Find
Returns a text range identifying the first occurrence of the given string within the text, starting from a given index.
Public method GetAllCapsStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are in all caps.
Public method GetAllCapsStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are in all caps.
Public method GetBoldStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are bold.
Public method GetBoldStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are bold.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetIndentLevel
Returns the indent level of the paragraphs in the text range.
Public method GetItalicStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are italic.
Public method GetItalicStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are italic.
Public method GetListStartNumber
Returns the list start number of the paragraphs in a given text range.
Public method GetListType
Returns the ListType of a paragraph.
Public method GetMaximumIndentLevel
Returns the maximum allowed indent level
Public method GetMaximumListStartNumber
Returns the maximum allowed list start number.
Public method GetMinimumListStartNumber
Returns the minumum allowed list start number.
Public method GetPlainText
Returns the entire text in a plain text form.
Public method GetPlainText(TextRange)
Returns a substring of the text in a plain text form. The start and end of the substring is identified by a given TextRange .
Public method GetSubscriptStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are subscripted.
Public method GetSubscriptStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are subscripted.
Public method GetSuperscriptStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are superscripted.
Public method GetSuperscriptStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are superscripted.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object .)
Public method GetUnderlineStatus
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed of characters in the entire text are underlined.
Public method GetUnderlineStatus(TextRange)
Returns whether All , None or a Mixed set of characters in a given text range are underlined.
Public method SetAllCapsStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be in all caps or not.
Public method SetAllCapsStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be in all caps or not.
Public method SetBoldStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be bold or not bold.
Public method SetBoldStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be bold or not bold.
Public method SetIndentLevel
Sets the number of tab stops that the paragraph should be indented.
Public method SetItalicStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be italic or not italic.
Public method SetItalicStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be italic or not italic.
Public method SetListStartNumber
Sets the list start number on the paragraphs in a given text range.
Public method SetListType
Sets the ListType of a paragraph.
Public method SetPlainText(String)
Sets the entire text with the given text in a plain text form.
Public method SetPlainText(TextRange, String)
Sets the text with the given text in a plain text form in a range.
Public method SetSubscriptStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be subscript or not subscript.
Public method SetSubscriptStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be subscript or not subscript.
Public method SetSuperscriptStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be superscript or not superscript.
Public method SetSuperscriptStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be superscript or not superscript.
Public method SetUnderlineStatus(Boolean)
Sets the characters in the entire text to be underlined or not underlined.
Public method SetUnderlineStatus(TextRange, Boolean)
Sets the characters in a given text range to be underlined or not underlined.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object .)


Name Description
Public property IsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.

See Also